How to find out the Win?

How to find out the Win?

Daily millions of individuals and organizations make various clauses in the state apparatus. The receipt of funds to the necessary addressee depends on many factors. One of them is a Win - a unique code that is responsible for the correct "separation of" finance. Where and as a tax payer, a penalty of a collection or a contribution to find out? Is it possible to send a payment without specifying this details?

Win - What is it and what is it needed for?

Abbreviation "Win" characterizes a payment details that is designed to systematize and correctly attributed the transferred funds to the fiscal system of the Russian Federation. This code is unique, consists of 20-25 digits and is not repeated twice. It is this combination of numbers that allows the State Treasury of the Russian Federation to correctly define the body, which made a calculation of the payment, as well as track its subsequent payment. Depending on the type of accrual, in various payment documents, the Win may have an excellent name - "Code", "Decision", "Document Index", etc.

Win is formed as follows:

  • The first 3 digits are the Code of the Administration of Payments.
  • The 4th figure is the name of the department, whose employees were formed by the document for payment.
  • The next 15 digits are a unique payment notification index, which includes the date of the formation of a payment document, as well as the series and number of the administrative form.
  • The 20th digit is generated by a special algorithm.

When is it necessary to specify the Win?

Legal entities, as well as IP, this props is most often used during payment:

  • Taxes and fees.
  • State and utilities.
  • Other payments addressed to the Tax authorities of the Russian Federation (including the payment of stately and licenses).

The UIN indication is mandatory when paying penalties, arrears, as well as fines on the basis of the notice of the tax service, Pension Fund or FSS.

If the payment makes an individual, the UIN indication is required when transferring funds within the payment of transport tax, as well as land fees. Since 2016, the payment of property tax is not accompanied by the introduction of Win. Documents for transferring a collection (tax notice, payment document) are provided by state employees of the FTS. An identifier of payment in this case will be the payment document index. The "code" line indicates "0". The "Code" field must be filled in any case, otherwise the bank will not accept the payment.

And although such props as a Win is required to indicate not always, most of the banks receiving banks require this payment code during the operation.

Where to get data Win?

The question of how and where to get the data Uin worries many payers of taxes and fees.

  • If the need to make payment is determined on the basis of a document from the payment of payment - PFR, tax service or FSS - all necessary for payment details, incl. And the Uin, the payer finds in the notice itself.
  • Payment of fines is made on the basis of payment receipt, in which there is also a unique code from 20-25 characters. If the requirement document does not contain identifier data, in the code "code" specify "0".
  • If there is a transfer of taxes and insurance premiums by organizations and IP (independently calculated specified in the tax declarations), the required props will be the budget classification code - the details of "104" of the payment order. If the tax payer when listed the collection is hampered with the definition of Uin, it can contact the territorial fiscal body and obtain the necessary data.
  • IP, as well as legal organizations registered on the FNS portal, can enumerate funds through this online service. In this case, the identification of the user during the payment transfer will be made according to the unique number assigned to the resource user when registering.

That. It is easy to note that almost always the necessary uin cipher is contained in the payment document. If there is no information in the document, refer to the listing of enumerations to clarify the information.

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