How to increase your pension

How to increase your pension

Norms and laws that regulate the average pension for all categories of citizens, change very often, so monitor such news and recalculate the approximate size of your future pension follows any working citizen. This article will describe in detail how to increase the amount of pension deductions in the future now.

Calculation of approximate pension

  • To begin with, calculate your current pension on a convenient calculator of the Pension Fund site of the Russian Federation on the link: Fill in all fields with genuine data.

  • After entering all the information, click on the blue button "Calculate".

The service will show you the approximate size of your future pension. Of course, it is impossible to consider extremely reliable information, but you will be aware - below your indicator or higher than the desired today. If you want to see an indicator of an order of magnitude higher than the current one, then it is worth thinking about the method of increasing the pension.

How to increase your pension - five of the most efficient ways

Get a salary officially

Please note what part of your salary you get "white" money. The percentage from this part of the employer translates to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The higher your official salary, the greater the amount will be accumulated on your account for deducting the pension.

Try to clarify this fact before applying for work, since the insurance deductions to the Pension Fund have been transferred to the employee's personal account for several years.

Program of state co-financing

Pay attention to the state co-financing program of your future pension. If your part of pension savings per year will be from two to twelve thousand, then the state is guaranteed to double this amount. Unfortunately, this program is not always valid, it is periodically introduced in the country only for a certain period of time. The last time this program came into force in the 2013th year. Carefully follow the news of the Russian Pension Fund and do not skip similar government programs.

Look for favorable conditions

Find a reliable program of non-state pension. In this case, you yourself choose how many percent translate into the cumulative part, and how much - in the insurance. You also have the right to put all 16% of deductions only in the insurance part. This method will help effectively accumulate funds, but he has its own minuses. For example, the insurance index of the insurance part occurs every year in such organizations, it relies on inflation at the end of the previous year. If the situation with the economy of the country is unstable, then you risk your pension savings.

Choose your pension fund

You yourself can decide where to invest percent of your pension. For example:

  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (FIU);
  • management Company;
  • Non-state Pension Fund (NPF).

In the first two points, all deductions are held through the Russian Pension Fund. In the third, you will have to postpone all the accumulations into a completely different fund, which has already been mentioned above. You can choose it yourself, relying on more comfortable criteria for you.

Copy the work experience

Also, your work experience directly affects the size of your pension. The longer you work, the more extensive your experience, that is, the number of years is increasing. Since 2015, the basic size of the insurance part of your pension will be increased by six percent for each full year of employment exceeding thirty years for men and twenty-five years old - for women. Of course, you will increase the size of the pension paid, if you work for a few more years, but if your health does not allow it, then you should not wait for so much time to increase some percent of the pension.

In recent years, the management of pension savings has become more accessible and extensive. Young people have the opportunity to think in advance about the management of their pension and the method of its accumulation. Take care of your future in advance, and you will not have to worry about deductions later.

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