How to remove dent on the refrigerator

How to remove dent on the refrigerator

Refrigerator - expensive household appliance with which you need to carefully apply. Unfortunately, during transportation on the surface of the apparatus can be formed by dents that significantly spoil the attractiveness of the device. How to remove dents?

Now there are several technologies that make rid of recesses. The most effective is the minylifter, which is an apparatus pulling dents with vacuum. Of course, the device is expensive, and it is unlikely that one will buy it to align damage. Therefore, you can use the services of companies engaged in car rattles and technology.

How to remove dent on the refrigerator

You can try to align a mechanical manner. To do this, clean the deepening area of \u200b\u200bsmall emery paper and apply primer. When the fluid dry, cover the dent. Try so that the color of the mixture coincides with the color gamut of the refrigerator. It is very rare to make a dent imperceptible, usually covered places stand out on the surface of a shiny refrigerator.

If you do not want to engage in alignment, try to close it with magnets. Now there are self-adhesive films that make the design of a household device unusual and are able to hide small damage. If you like to communicate, then attach a magnetic board to the refrigerator, on which you can write your wishes to family members. This is a good product for forgetful people who will serve as a kind of reminder.

How to remove dent on the refrigerator

You can try to cope with dents using alternate heating and cooling. To do this, clean the surface to washing the glass. Now the usual hairdryer for drying hair is heated dent, it should become warm, but not hot. Take the dry ice and rub it into the heated area. From a sharp drop temperature, the metal will expand, and then narrows. Dry ice can be purchased in a shopping store. Remember, take our naked hands this tool, work in gloves. So that the refrigerator does not remain scratching, sweeten the surface with suede cloth or flannel.

How to remove dent on the refrigerator

There is another effective way that uses you can remove dent from the refrigerator. Wash the surface of the household appliance and let it dry. Head the deepening with a hairdryer, and while the surface is still hot, sprinkle it with carbon dioxide. This tool is sold in a spray canter. It can be purchased in the store of spare parts for cars. During contacting carbon dioxide with air, an endothermic reaction occurs, as a result of which the surface is strongly cooled. If the first time you failed to get rid of dents, try repeating the process.

How to remove dent on the refrigerator

Remember, in no case cannot be removed dents to the hammer impact on the back of the steel sheet. The door of the refrigerator does not understand and is hermetic. When you try to remove the door and get to her inside, you risk a refrigerator. Due to the disorders of tightness on the compressor, additional load is superimposed. Over time, the refrigerator may fail, or the refrigerant will evaporate.

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