Bitcoins work as money, but they can be "mined" as gold. It can be said that a real "Bitcoish fever" began in the world. If you are not afraid to take on an investment risk, you can create your own bitcoins.
How many Bitcoins can be in the world?
When the Bitcohper algorithm was created by a person (or a group of people) under the pseudonym Satosha Dzamoto, the name, which in Japanese is as common as Ivan Petrov, the final limit of the number of bitcoins was established, which will ever exist - 21 million. Currently, more than 12 million bitcoins are in circulation. This means that in the future there will be a little less than 9 million bitcoins.
Since 2009, the number of bitcois produced has increased sharply. This is how the system was created - it is easy to get Bitcoin first and the more difficult, the closer we are approaching this 21 million batcount. At the current rate of creation, the last bitcone will be mined in 2140.
What is mining?
There are three main ways to receive bitcoins: buying on the stock exchange, exchange of them on goods and services and new development. "Myning" is a jargonal word denoting the process of creating new bitcoins (from English "Mining" can be translated as "mining", in the value "Mining work", "mining ore" - just like the search for gold). In fact, it is just a check of bitcoan transactions.
For example, Vasya buys a game prefix from Kati for Bitcoin. To make sure that his Bitcoin is a real bitcone, miners begin to check the transaction.
This is not just one transaction that needs to be checked; a lot of them. All transactions are collected in "Boxes with a virtual lock on them" - what is called "blockchain" (translated from the English "block chain").
Mainers launch the software to find "the key that opens this lock." As soon as their computers detect it, the transaction is checked. As a reward for providing its equipment, miners receive new bitcoins.
How to make money on mining?
For mining Bitcoine, no special knowledge in the field of technology or programming is needed, but basic software and specialized equipment are required.
The software needed to use bitcoins is easy to use and has an open source code, which means free download and start.
Each Majnere needs a Bitcoin-wallet - an encrypted online account - to store what is earned. The problem is that because Bitcoin is free, unregulated and anonymous cryptocurrency, wallets are also not regulated and exposed to attacks. For example, at the end of last year, hackers stole a currency from the INPUTS.IO website in the amount of $ 1.2 million. If bitcoins are lost or stolen, they completely disappeared, like cash. And, since there is no regulatory body supporting your Bitcoops, there is no possibility and restore your losses.
The second part of the software is the mining software. Most Popular - Guiminer. When starting, the program starts to work independently, and the faster and more powerful the owner's computer is working, the faster it will generate Bitcoins.
What equipment is necessary for mining?
When bitcoan mining just started, the usual custom computers were powerful enough to generate bitcoins. That is how the system was created - easily mately, but the further, the harder, since more bitcoins are generated. Over the past few years, Mainers had to go on more and more powerful equipment to continue to create new bitcoins.
Currently used specialized integrated circuits (ASIC). Mainer needs to be purchased hardware intended for one particular task - in this case for bitcoine mining. The new high-speed equipment for Mineland Bitcoine, currently stands in the area of \u200b\u200b12,000 dollars.
Mining Pula.
Perhaps the only way of mining Bitcoin today for a person who is not ready to invest the transcendant money into equipment is the mining pool.
The mining pool is a collective group of bitcoan-miners from all over the world, which literally combine the capacity of their computers into a single whole. Popular sites such as Slush's Pool allow Mainers to get the percentage of bitcoins when they add the power of their computer to the group.
The faster your computer can work, and the more power it contributes to the pool, the more the percentage of the bitcoins received. Bitcoops for the convenience of calculations are crushed into smaller units - Satoshi. But, like wallets, the pool sites are not regulated, and the pool operator, which gets all the mined bitcoins - does not bear any legal responsibility to the users of the site.
Connection to the Pula means you can use cheaper equipment. USB ASIC, which are connected to any USB port standard, cost only 20 dollars. "For a few hundred dollars you could earn a couple of dollars a day," says Brice Colbert, Mainer Cryptovalita from North Carolina and website. "But you will not be able to make a lot of money, and with low-grade asic miners you can even lose money, depending on the exchange rate."
Another question that matters when it comes to mining is energy consumption. Currently, income outweigh the cost of energy required for mining. But, it can quickly change due to the unstable price of Bitcoin.
In addition to Bitcoine, today there are many other cryptocurrency (altkins), which is much easier to produce, but also the cost of them is unstable and unpredictable. Of course, you can not badly earn a cryptocurrency on mining, but you can also lose money, so it is necessary to approach the mining, as well as to any investment, it is necessary to approach a fairing share of caution and how to deal with the question of interest before risking means.