How to reduce accounts payable

How to reduce accounts payable

The payable debt arises if the time of receipt of services does not coincide with the established time of their payment. This also includes the debt of the organization for wages to its employees. Credit debt can be reduced in many ways.

First of all, talk with your creditors. Try to come to a common decision together and agree with them on a deferred payment. They will be happy to receive at least some amount instead of lost time for trials. Set the terms for the payment of new payments and sign an additional agreement. Lenders can delay your payment, increase the deadline for repayment or temporarily freeze all payments. But “holidays” are used very rarely.

You can reduce the amount of monthly contribution using debt restructuring. In this case, you will be extended by debt repayment by installing it. You will have to pay more funds in the form of interest, but in difficult circumstances this option is the most convenient for both sides. And if your affairs go in a way over time, you can easily pay off the debt ahead of schedule so as not to overpay on a percentage.

If you cannot agree and creditors pull the rubber - contact the court yourself, otherwise your interest and fines will only grow. Try to provide evidence of a good reason for non -compliance with payments. For example, a certificate from the place of work to reduce wages, a document on recognition unemployed from the employment service, reducing revenue, etc. If you own your own business, provide a cash register, a lease agreement, a book of income and expenses. During the proceedings, your actions will be taken into account.

Talk to your acquaintances. The size of the claim can be reduced not only in connection with the difficult financial situation of the debtor, but also in connection with his difficult state of health and the presence of inoperative relatives. The court can also reduce the size of fines if they are very large in comparison with the damage of creditors. The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” says that if the fine exceeds half the debt, the terms of the contract are recognized as unfair.

If the debt time is approaching, and you understand that your financial condition is critical, think if you have property that you can realize to repay the debt. If possible, rent an apartment or car. Contact the help of relatives. Try to resolve the issue of debt even before talking with creditors and trial. In this case, you can save a good credit history.

If your company does not cope with the payment of debts, try to increase the size of the authorized capital. Participants in the company or third parties can make additional deposits. Try to attract new investors.

Even before drawing up a loan agreement, create your own reserve system. When concluding agreements, lenders always count on timely debt repayment. In time, a well -thought -out system of reserves will allow you to correctly determine sources for the payment of funds. You will also get a real characteristic of your financial situation.

If your problems are random and temporary, most likely lenders and the court will meet you. But if they consider the situation critical, then radical methods will be applied in the form of a sailment.

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