Meat, fish, vegetable dishes, boiled pasta can be added and diversified with delicious sauce. In the process of cooking, it is important to decide in advance with the choice of such a supplement. In order not to spoil the taste of the main dish, it should be properly picking a sauce. Sometimes, even tastefully cooked food, you can fix such a seasoning.
Simple sauce recipe
Sweet-sweet sauces can acquire a different taste, depending on the ingredients used. An excellent additive to finishing meats will be seasoning with such a composition:
- apple juice - 150 ml;
- tomato paste - 100 ml;
- tomato juice - 100 ml;
- apple (6%) vinegar - 20 ml;
- soy sauce - 100 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- three cloves of garlic;
- one bulb;
- starch;
- ginger root.
- Grind garlic, finely cut onion and rub on the grater purified ginger.
- In a frying pan in the heated vegetable oil pass onions and shift it into a plate. In the same oil, fry garlic and ginger.
- Add passable onions to them.
- In a separate dish, tomato juice is divorced by tomato paste. Top apple juice and soy sauce.
- Add sugar and apple vinegar to the resulting mixture.
- In the pan with roasted vegetables, we pour a tomato mixture and bring to a boil, periodically stirring.
- Starch is divorced in water and slowly introduce into a boiling sauce. Still it until the mixture becomes thick.
- Sweet sauce is served cold or hot.
Sweet spicy sauce with sourness
Such sauce is most combined with meat and bird. It is not difficult to cook it and in time quickly. The composition includes such ingredients:
- tomato paste;
- water;
- salted cucumbers;
- apple vinegar (6%);
- vegetable oil;
- sugar;
- cognac;
- starch.
- Crushed salted cucumbers in vegetable oil (5-7 minutes).
- Tomato paste add sugar, vinegar, cognac and pinch of salt. The resulting mixture is whipped with a whisk.
- We add prepared cucumbers and diluted starch. Constantly stirring, cook sauce to thick consistency.
Exquisite plum sauce
Easy cooking, but very tasty sour-sweet sauce is obtained from draining. Such a dish is also useful because it is prepared from natural products.
The cooking process is simple:
- Plums without bones and tomatoes skip through a meat grinder. The ratio of proportions 1: 2.
- Add a finely chopped onion to the mixture. Stirring, on weak fire, cook 1.5 hours.
- Add sugar, bay leaf, salt, garlic and carnation to the failed sauce. For half an hour, we continue to cook the mixture.
- 10 minutes before the end, add some vinegar.
Such a sauce is applied immediately after cooking or can be stored in the refrigerator.
Sweet sauces are distinguished by a variety of taste shades. The change in taste depends on the products that are part of the seasoning. The acid gives tomatoes, vinegar, fruit juices, berries (currants, cranberries, plums). The sweet taste is obtained when adding sugar, honey, jam. Do not be afraid to experiment during the preparation of these seasonings.