How to cut the glass?

How to cut the glass?

Many in their lives came across the question how to cut the glass. Glass in our daily life is very popular. Cut the glass according to the necessary parameters will not be difficult if you stick to the main recommendations for cutting glass.

Preparation of glass

New glass in front of sharp do not require special preparation. It is enough to wipe with paper, for this you can use old newspapers. Before proceeding with glass cutting, which was used, it must be prepared, namely:

  • rinse the glass in the location of the proposed section to determine the glasses;
  • degreased the glass, for this you can use a fabric sweeping in kerosene;
  • dry glass in the room, in order not to settle dust on it;
  • put on the glass of the cutting path.

How to cut glass glass cutter?

The most common tool for cutting glass is glass cutter. Glass cutting process glass cutter is quite simple. It is important to choose a suitable tool. A wide selection of glass cutters will make an easy and safe work.

What are the glass cutters?

  • Diamond glass cutter. Such glass cutter is durable and extremely rare fails. Work performed looks neat and without chips. This glass cutter can be cutting glass of different thickness. After a time, the diamond glass cutter can be sharpened on a special bar.
  • Roller glass cutter. The cutting part of the roller glass cutter is a roller, which is made of durable metal alloy. When operating with this glass cutter, it is necessary to push stronger than the diamond glass cutter. Such glass cutters are an order of magnitude less than diamond glass cutters.
  • Oil glazing. This glass cutter is equipped with a roller and an integrated oil tank. When working with glass cutter, oil is fed automatically. Such a glass cutter will successfully cope with a glass of large thickness.

Technology cutting glass

  • Place the glass on a flat surface.
  • Seam on the glass an estimated cutting trajectory.
  • In order to mark the line and the cut line was smooth, use a ruler. If the glass does not want to cut in a straight line and an arc, use pre-prepared stencil.
  • Moisten glass cutter in oil, which is intended for cutting glass, or use of kerosene.
  • Cut glass should stekloreza continuous line without lifting your hands, or the glass will crack.
  • Once held glass cutter continuous line from edge to edge, proceed to glass breakage on the line.
  • After the glass broke into two pieces, the sharp edges grind sandpaper or emery stone

How to cut glass - other ways

How to cut glass with scissors?

If you have no glass cutter, glass and small size to be cut, then use a pair of scissors and water.

  • Apply markup for which you want to cut glass.
  • Type in the warm water tank.
  • Glass put it in the water and begins to cut along the marked line sewing scissors.
  • In this way, the glass can be cut to 3 mm thick.

How to cut glass with a string, fire, and water?

Cut glass can be even with a twine of natural material, fuel and water.

  • Mark the cut path on the glass.
  • Saturate the string of a natural material in a combustible liquid. The gasoline can be used as a combustible liquid, alcohol, etc.
  • Soaked twine put on the marked line on the glass and ignite.
  • Once the fire is out, pour cool water glass.
  • After that, the glass will crack along the marked lines. You should break off the glass for cracks and sanded the edges.

How to cut glass with a file and a soldering iron?

In order to cut the glass, you can use a file and a soldering iron.

  • On the glass slide with a pencil or marker for the intended cut line.
  • FILE make a small piece of text window at the beginning of the marked lines. If you do not have a file, use the grinder.
  • A hot soldering iron, slowly drag across the marked line.
  • After that, the glass cracks appeared, on which you need to split it.
  • Grind sharp edges.

Cut glass can be in different ways and using different tools. Be careful when working with glass, take care of their own safety, wear safety glasses, gloves, etc.

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