How to flash a megaphone modem

How to flash a megaphone modem

If you ever tried to access the Internet using a third-party sim card from a megaphone, then more than once could make sure that this method is completely not valid. This does not mean that the modem of different mobile operators are created by different standards and are not capable of receiving another signal, just this option is economically unprofitable. Judge himself: the subscriber buys one modem at the lowest price from competitors and only uses them for several years to whatever the operator he moved. So that users have changed not only the SIM card, but also their modem with it, mobile operators put a special lock, a kind of ban on the use of third-party sim cards in their hardware. You will learn this block in this article on visual screenshots and voluminous comments.

Select a modem unlocking program. In this article, the DC Unlocker utility will be taken as an example, which does not require installation on a computer and supports almost all mobile modems modem. To download, you can visit the official website of the developer: Either use your sources.
Going to the site, click on the green window on the right.

Check out the full list of models that support this program. If you have not seen your modem or do not know his number - not trouble, the utility will determine what settings it is better to apply to the device.

Click on the Orange Download button to download.

In the saved archive, select the DC-unlocker2Client.exe file and double-click on it with the left mouse button. The utility does not require unpacking and installing on your computer, being a fully portable version. The client window opens immediately.

In the first tab "Select Manufacturer" you need to choose your modem manufacturer. Most often, MegaFon modems are produced by Huawei, so click on "Huawei Modems", if not confident in your modem.

The second tab is a specific model. Program developers are advised to leave the value "AUTO Detect" which means auto element.

For convenience, further work with the utility change the language of the client if it is required. Go to the "Options" tab in the right workspace and in the list that appears, click on the icon of Russia's flag.

Insert the device into your computer or laptop, check the connection. The modem will be displayed in a tray of the computer or in a special application from the megaphone.

Return to the utility and click on the magnifying glass icon.

Auto detection of the program worked: in two tabs over the magnifier icon you can see the exact device model and its ports.

Now go to the "Unlocking" tab on the right and click on the Unlock button with the opened lock icon nearby. Wait a few seconds.

Remove the device from the computer and try changing the SIM card in it. Reinsert the MegaFon modem into the socket and use the Internet from any mobile operator.

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