Do you have a money amount, you wish to use it, so that in the future she brought you income? A good option is to buy stocks for these funds. That's just how to find them, you do not even have permissions. Consider the methods of acquiring securities.
First we will understand what shares are. They are divided into three categories. Paper of the first echelon is "blue chips" (the most profitable), enterprises with an income of $ 20 billion. These include: Gazprom, Sberbank, VTB, Rosneft, and the like. Organizations with a turnover of 10 billion dollars are counted for the second echelon shares. And the third echelon is firms that only appeared on the securities market, profit - $ 100,000, investigating finances in such shares risky. The easiest method of purchasing securities is the acquisition of them through the online store. Go to portal, Choose a category (first, second, third echelon). Then I click on a specific company, the shares of which we want to receive, for example: "Sberbank". We make a purchase.Download here:
- Depositary Treaty
- An example of filling in the depository contract
- Brokerage treaty
- Filled broker contract
Know: Before buying shares, it is worth studying the market. No need to invest all savings in the securities of one company. If you are new in this case, it is better to use the services of an experienced broker, let it be free.