How to buy stock on stock exchange

How to buy stock on stock exchange

The purchase of shares on the stock exchange - one way of investing free funds. It is considered quite effective and is designed for those who are disillusioned with the usual methods of investing money. To buy shares on the stock exchange under the force of even a housewife. It is not difficult.

Currently, all purchases of securities are carried out through an intermediary - a brokerage company. So the first step is its selection. Look at the ratings of investment companies, read the reviews and ask advice from friends, already trading on the exchange. It is better to choose a company, not the first year working in the market. Ideally - included in the first twenty-thirty rankings.

Sign a contract with the selected company. Broker will open a special account. It is necessary to transfer the money for the future purchase of shares.

You should now install the software for further work in the stock market. Usually it along with login to access provides brokerage company. This can be either the most common program called "Quick", and any other, including those developed by the broker.

Decide on the stocks that you buy. You can purchase a paper known companies, stable revenue-generating. Or take a risk and invest in a little-known second-tier stocks. For beginners, experts advise form a portfolio, approximate the structure to index one of the exchanges.

Apply for purchase. To do this, you need to know the so-called "ticker". He is assigned to each security on the stock exchange. Specify in the order the right amount of securities. After her confirmation purchased shares will be credited to the depot.

Store in a separate application folder and monitor regularly quotes the purchased shares. It is better to maintain a record of the transaction. This will help keep track of the level of income received and the time to adjust the selected investment strategy.

From the income received from the operations on the stock exchange, you need to pay taxes. Decide whether you will do it yourself by filling out the tax declaration or charge your broker.

Do not forget that the brokerage company charges the commission for performing operations. Therefore, we transfer money to buy shares, add a percentage to pay for an intermediary service.

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