How to put a live tree

How to put a live tree

New Year's holidays are miracles, gifts and smells of needles with tangerines. Every year you go for the purchase of winter beauty - Christmas trees. Choosing the most beautiful and fluffy, you hurry home for its installation. But at home think about how to install a living tree to keep freshness and extend the holiday. To do this, you need to stick to a number of rules specified in this article.

How to put a live tree - Preparation and rules

Before installing a New Year's beauty, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations so that it pleases you with your as much as possible.

  • Do not put a tree into the house immediately with frost. The sharp temperature difference will adversely affect the needles, which will lead to their rapid fall. First, put the Christmas tree in a cool place for 2-3 hours, only then put into the warm room.
  • If you want to feel the aroma of the needles on the eve of the new year, install the Christmas tree on the day of the holiday. Up to this point, keep it in a cool place, for example, on the balcony or corridor. But you should not leave the tree for a long time in the cold.
  • When you choose a place to install the Christmas tree, keep in mind that the tree does not like warmth. Therefore, placing the tree as far as possible from the heating and heating devices. Otherwise, the needles quickly dried and causing.

How to put a live tree - installation methods

Each person chooses for itself the most convenient way to install New Year's beauties. This is either crosset (tripod), or a large container with sand. Regardless of the placement method, there are several features.

  • Prepare a tree trunk. First spire the lower branches of the needle to the required level. Then remove part of the cortex and give the trunk. Ipell must be updated so that the tree can be saturated with moisture.

  • The most common device for installing the Christmas tree is a cross. It can be made of wood or welded from metal.

  • If you use a flat fastening form, then further secure the tree trunk with wedges. For tripod - how to tighten the screws as stronger. This will allow the Christmas tree to fit more steadily.
  • For the needles quickly do not dry, choose the patterns of the cross with a liquid compartment. Do not forget to pull water in time. To facilitate this process, tie the tube to the upper branch and lower it into the tank. Pour water more convenient with watering can.

  • Also, to saturate wood moisture, wrap the trunk with a cloth, the end of which to lower in a jar with water.

Advice. So that the water does not bloom in the device tank, add several aspirin tablets into it.

  • Sometimes the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket with earth or sand. In this case, it is important to carefully catch the mixture, periodically fueling water. Wet sand will be able to better keep the trunk of the Christmas tree. Be sure to follow the humidity of the sand, otherwise it will dry, and the tree will fall or lean.
  • But water in the tank is not enough to preserve the freshness of the needles. Twice a day, spray fluid on branches throughout the tree.

How to put a living tree - the manufacturer of the foundation

If you did not find on sale the necessary device for installing the Christmas tree, then make it with your own hands. You will need materials and tools:

  • large metal bucket;
  • hooks for installing clothes rope - 4 pcs.;
  • nuts for the diameter of hooks - 8 pcs.;
  • plastic container of smaller diameter than bucket;
  • garden gravel or crushed stone;
  • drill and drill.


  • At the top of the bucket, you need to make holes for fasteners. To do this, retreat 10 cm. From the edge of the tank. Spearly draw two stripes that converge among themselves at the center. On the metal, draw four labels that must be located at the same distance from each other. Drill holes over the diameter of hooks.

  • To impart the stability of the design, fill it with gravel, but only two-thirds. Instead, you can use another material, the main thing is that he is weight.

  • Water you can pour into the plastic container, which install the stones on top. But at the same time stir it up to the level of holes. If necessary, remove excess gravel.

  • For the resistance of the container, the space between it and the bucket fill in small stones. Try to place the gravel more closely.

  • Screw one nut on the hook, grind it into the hole on the bucket. Stretch the mount to the required distance.

  • From the inside, tighten the second nut as tight to the bucket wall. Repeat this action with the rest of the hooks.

  • As a result, you should get here such a device for installing a live tree.

  • To secure the trunk of a tree, place it in the center of the plastic container and evenly tighten the hooks on the bucket. At the same time, try to keep the Christmas tree strictly vertically.
  • Last but, pour water into the tank and do not forget to pour fluid during all holidays.
  • On the hooks you can hang New Year's garland or tinsel. The external part of the bucket re-adjust the packaging paper.

Alone to install a live tree is not much difficult. Take advantage of these tips and then your beauty will delight you all winter holidays.

A few more original ways to install a New Year tree, look at the video:

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