How to get a social scholarship

How to get a social scholarship

Many students of universities and colleges have material difficulties during training. No elementary needs may not pay. Therefore, social benefit has been introduced for them. She received the name of the social scholarship.

Who has the right to receive a social scholarship

  • Those who study at the expense of the state. Students of day form of college training and universities. The payment is extended to the twenty-year-old age. When a citizen stops studying at the university after 5 years.
  • A group of students left without parents. Deprived of the custody of relatives. This status in children under 18, whose parents died.
  • For scholarships have the right to disabled. Those whose authorities have the first and second group. Or disabled from birth. The group includes and gained significant injury to 18 years.
  • Another group of students - influenced radiation radiation. They must have confirming these documents.
  • Learning groups with small sleep.
  • Armored 3 years or more in the army under the contract. Allowed in the troops of the FSB, the Ministry of the Interior and so on. Avenged injury in service.


What is the size of social scholarship

The rights to scholarship are established by the laws on education. How much specifically to pay a student, is established by the educational institution itself. College students receive from 730 rubles and higher. Minimum size in universities - 2010 rubles. Good grades during the semester will provide a good increase to its income - 6307 rubles.

How to get a social scholarship - what documents to submit

In socializing a person will explain what documents are needed. These are three main positions:

  • Help on family composition from the passport table. Takes at the place of registration on the territory of your city. It will be issued without problems in the presence of passport data.
  • Also a study document. Takes in the dean of those faculties where people are trained. It must be dated no later than the month.
  • And the last - certificate of income. Percentage of last month. Meanwhile meaning all the money coming into the family from all sources. Can be obtained at the place of work.

How to get a social scholarship - where to give documents

A certificate of scholarship is issued by social protection. Next, it is necessary for the appointment to pass in the dean. We must have time to collect documents. Universities sometimes define these deadlines themselves. You will also need a bank account number where funds will come.

A year later, I will have to start collecting documents. But the scholarship for the period of study will be a reliable support of the student.

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