How to get green card

How to get green card

Green Card is a kind of document that allows you to live and work in the United States without any problems and restrictions. Millions of people dream of getting a cherished card, as if a person is a good specialist in his business, finding good work on the colossal in terms of the size of the US labor market will be easy. In addition, there is an opportunity to get a housing and just root in the country.

How to get green card - features

It should be borne in mind that 5 years after receipt of the map, you can apply for citizenship, which is the main goal for many migrants.

Green Map itself is a small greenish card with a photo of the owner, his fingerprint, personal data and validity period.

Requirements for receiving Green Card

It is necessary to understand that constantly the requirements associated with the possibility of obtaining Green cards change, so current information should always be clarified by officials and authoritative sources.

At the beginning of 2017, you can pay attention to the following items:

  • Reunion with relatives. This is the easiest option of obtaining citizenship. If the relatives are direct (spouses, to take, sisters, parents), and they have US citizenship, then receiving green cards is quite quickly.
  • Investments. If a person has a large amount of money, then no problems with receiving green cards should be, however, it is known that when investing from 500 thousand to 1 million dollars can easily become the owner of the investment Green card. Approximately the same situation occurs if the employee was translated from a foreign branch of a particular organization to a division, which is located in the United States.
  • Marriage. Obviously, it is possible to get married / marry the US resident, and further accommodation in this country will be much easier. If the marriage is concluded between the US resident and a citizen of another family, then receiving the Green card becomes almost solved, but will have to wait a bit to settle all bureaucratic subtleties. Unfortunately, often marriages of this kind turn out to be fictitious, so any fraud is supposed to be punishable.
  • Working and political visas. If a person is an employee who occupies a serious position, the company that provides a job may be interested in providing Green cards. Most often, this is necessary for the permanent work of a person in the branch of the company located in the United States.
  • Lottery. No matter how strange it sounds, but Green card can be won in the lottery. It is enough to submit a small application in which the main information about a person will be indicated, after which it is easy to expect a result. Applications are submitted in 1.5 years before the lottery. However, there are people who simply live a dream that one day they will win a cherished card. The winners in the lottery is not so little, but the most interesting thing is that the algorithm of the draw gives preference to residents of those countries that immigrate less frequently. Accordingly, if you are a representative of a developing country, then get the Green card will be difficult. After the victory in the lottery, you need to go to the interview, pass various analyzes and provide a package of documents. The victory in the lottery also means the payment of the consular fee, which is about 300 US dollars. Of course, this process can delay for a long time, but the goal is already close. Much depends on the filling in the application itself, there are various requirements and recommendations, allowing to draw the attention of US representatives to your questionnaire.

It is important to remember that the presence of Green card is not only the possibility of living in the United States, but also a peculiar pass to almost any developed country of the world.

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