How to get dual citizenship

How to get dual citizenship

To date, have dual citizenship in many countries is prohibited. There were cases when a person received a serious punishment for notified the state in obtaining new citizenship. The situation is such that any details associated with citizenship can bring both a positive effect and negative.

For example, only one citizenship is recognized in Ukraine, while obtaining citizenship of another country is equal to the refusal of Ukrainian citizenship.

How to Get Double Citizenship - Features

Restrictions related to obtaining second citizenship are not always a decisive factor. Most often, people hide this information and no problems are happening. However, there are different situations and relationships between states, so you always need to be alert.

Double citizenship is allowed in Russia. We are talking only about two countries - Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. If a person receives a passport of one of these countries, then he does not receive any restrictions on these territories. At the same time, when receiving a passport of another state, it is possible that problems may arise, up to the need for a refusal of one of the citizenships, so it is necessary to seriously analyze the current situation and consult with knowledgeable people.

Getting dual citizenship

The situation associated with obtaining dual citizenship in Russia is approximately the same as in the case of obtaining citizenship in any other country.

  • You need to contact the embassy of the country in which you need to get double citizenship. There it will be necessary to write an appeal in which it will be described what the need to receive second citizenship is a statement in free form, and often the representatives of the embassy help it. Considering that the situation associated with citizenship is constantly changing, without any assistance in this case it will not work out.
  • Together with the application you will have to apply a copy of the passport.
  • Depending on the embassy, \u200b\u200bone or another is paid - this is a kind of data for data processing services, and, in general, for the service.
  • After a while, it is necessary to obtain a resolution in which the result of the consideration of the application for dual citizenship is indicated.

At the same time, Russia's citizens can receive another passport, but another state, but for this you need to contact the relevant authorities, since concealment of the fact of obtaining citizenship may carry a violation of the law.

To compile an application for dual citizenship, you need to have a considerable period of work within the framework of this country (at least 5 years), or have relatives there.

Double citizen failure

The process of refusal of dual citizenship is exactly the same as in the case of obtaining it, but at the very beginning it is necessary to apply as a request for dual citizenship. For some time, the application will be considered, after which a specific solution will appear.

It is also important to note that it is possible to obtain and abandon dual citizenship only if a citizen does not have the following troubles:

  • Debt to pay for taxes.
  • The presence of an indictment or criminal record.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations to the state (various articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

However, there are exceptions that depend on the situation.

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