How to originally congratulate a woman with an anniversary

How to originally congratulate a woman with an anniversary

Thinking out how to originally congratulate the girlfriend, mom, a neighbor or a colleague for work, every time we think about how our congratulations will be unusual, will they like a person or still lack creativity? Then this article is for you.

Original greetings for a woman

You can congratulate the jubilee not only in poetic form, but also in prose. Think about when the last time you spoke sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, how are you here this man, how much does it mean for you? What did you want? From the heart, simple words? It is difficult to remember, because, as a rule, congratulations on the postcard, which many already know by heart is read.

To not repeat, we offer simple, but very soulful congratulations to a woman with an anniversary:

  • you have a round date today, and it is known that all round numbers are magical numbers that attract love, health and wealth. So be always happy, rich and bodra. Happy anniversary!
  • over the years, the soul does not age, but gains experience and wisdom. And in your years you are our dear jubilee, full of strength and energy. We appreciate your experience, thanks for the advice and help. We wish not only a birthday, but also to feel at 18, health only Siberian, and happiness - serene!
  • happy anniversary, our expensive birthday man! Let every day in your life will be the same joyful and long-awaited as your anniversary. Let the flowers and compliments give not only on holidays, but without reason. Harmony, wealth, good luck for the realization of the intended, let always in the soul will be peace. Love, happiness and good health!

How to congratulate the jubilee

What can I give a woman on her birthday? Of course, everything that will want, just need to take into account the sense of humor of the jubilee and correctly pick up words.

For example, you can congratulate a person with an anniversary in this way:

  • Pre-prepare the necessary attributes: cut out of the golden or silver-plated paper sprocket.
  • For each invited to prepare a handle or felt-tip pen.
  • When it is possible to congratulate right at the jubilee table, then you need to declare a guest that will be the first to congratulate. We hand the guest feltster or handle, as well as one star. Let him write their wishes on the reverse side.
  • Each guest should get along the star to write the wishes of the jumper. It is advisable not to pry to the congratulations not repeated.
  • And now we invite everyone to get out of the middle of the room, the birthday girl needs to be put in the middle, and the guests are a semicircle.
  • Let guests take turns throw their jubilee star, and she should catch her. If it turned out - the desire will come true. Well, if not, nothing terrible, because it is a starfall of desires, and if the star falls, then all the wishes should be fulfilled.
  • Such an original congratulation can be done under beautiful music.
  • And at the end, when the birthday day in the hands there will be all the stars, they need to take and drive on a pre-prepared silk thread, and then put on the neck of the jumper the starry necklace.

Unusual congratulations on the anniversary of women - Portrait of a birthday party

And one more wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bthe original congratulations to a woman on the day of the anniversary:

  • You need to prepare markers (you can markers), a large blank sheet of paper with a beautiful frame.
  • Each guest should not just congratulate the birthday girl with words, but to transfer his wishes on a sheet of paper.
  • Give each invited by felter, take turns. Suggest draw one of the elements of the portrait of the birthday girl.
  • Someone must take on the role of lead and help each artist.
  • We start drawing a face: the first part is the eyes. Tip: Blue / Brown / Green, beautiful and sly. Long cilia, just a look.
  • Next - we pass the felt-taster with another guest with the words: drunken, riddled ... Nose.
  • Then: ruddy cheeks.
  • Next guest - beautiful scarlet sponges.
  • Hair - like silk. Draw a beautiful hairstyle.
  • And again we transfer the felt-tumblight to the next guest so that it paints a slim body.
  • It remains to draw skillful handles and slender legs, shoes, dress and beautiful handbag.
  • Well, to such a queen attached a steep car, bank card, beautiful house and sea wishes from each guest.

What to give a woman on an anniversary?

Gifts do not happen much, but sometimes there are not enough time to come up with something special or make a gift with your own hands.

Original and simple ideas will help you make a holiday unforgettable:

  • if you gathered to give the anniversary a certain amount of money, then go to the store or to the bank, translate into small bills. The more paper small bills, the better. Buy in the souvenir shop of dollars-souvenirs. Prepare a big bag, fold your gift there and souvenir. Stir. Tie a beautiful bag and can be given;
  • by the same principle you can give a suitcase of money. To do this, you will need a suitcase or a beautiful bag. A gift - a whole suitcase with money is already waiting for the birthday man;
  • and one more idea how to unusually give money. It will take umbrella and small bills. You need to add money inside the umbrella, the umbrella itself is beautifully packaged. Hand a gift and ask the birthday girl to open it. The umbrella opens, and a real cash rain on the head of the jubilestone.

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