How to pay a fine bailiff

How to pay a fine bailiff

If you did not have time to pay for the recovery by the court decision, then risks to get under additional sanctions. So, in 2016, it was decided to ban the exit abroad to all debtors, perhaps the new ones will follow these sanctions, therefore it is better not to delay the debt and fines of the bailiffs. Having access to the Internet, you can find your debt and pay it at any time using online banking, an official site or application of the bailiff service or electronic wallets. Not even having access to the Internet, you always have the opportunity to find CIVI payment terminals in their city and make a payment. About these payment options you will find out in more detail in this article.

How to pay a fine bailiff through the official website and application

The Russian bailiff service has its own official website where you can find your debt on the payment and make a payment directly on the site by choosing a convenient way to you. Perform such an algorithm:

  • Go to the site
  • Choose your search type: on individuals, legal or by IP number.
  • Specify your city or region.

  • Write your full name and surname in the appropriate lines.
  • It is advisable to specify the middle name from the date of birth to speed up the search, but not necessarily.
  • Click "Find".

Some time the site will download databases, after which it will show what you have debts. You can pay with them right here. Your choice will be the payment of a bank card, electronic wallets or printout of the receipt. By printing, you can pay a fine in the separation of any bank.

  • Also for the convenience of citizens there is a special mobile application for Android, iOS and WindowsPhone. Download it to your device and search for arrears in it. Payment is also available.

How to pay a fine bailiff through online banking

Another convenient way to repay the fine FSSP. If you have a bank card, then, almost certainly, you can use the personal account on the bank's website. Look at the instruction on repayment of the fine in Sberbank online.

  • Follow your login and password on the bank's website.

  • Enter the verification code from the phone in the field on the site and click "Confirm".

  • Once in the Personal Account, go to the "Translations and Payments" tab.

  • List the page down until you see the section "Traffic police, taxes, duties and budget payments" in it Select the subsection of the "bailiff services".

  • Next, find and click on the FSSP link.

Now fill out a small blank of payment:

  • In the column "Select the service" Set the "Debt Search".

  • Select the card with which the full amount will be written off.
  • Enter the SNILS number.
  • Series and number of your passport.
  • Inn.

Click "Continue" to start searching. As soon as it is over, pay a fine.

How to pay a fine bailiff through e-wallets

Your choice of many payment systems: Kiwi, Yandex.Money and Webmoney, every wallet is different in its own way. You can choose any, as the bailiff service is in all wallets. Below are algorithms for three wallets, select your own and follow the instructions.

How to pay a fine of bailiffs in QIWI

  • Go to your Kiwi wallet and log in through the phone number. This is the only wallet that does not take a commission for paying the fine FSSP.
  • Click on the "Pay" tab.

  • On the following page, select "Other" item, and then "Other Payments".

  • From the list of services that appears, find the bailiffs service or reduce the search time, just writing them in the string at the top of the site.

  • You only have to enter the production number and proceed with paying your fine. If you have any problems, then you can pay a penalty on the receipt in the same wallet.

How to pay a fine bailiff in Yandex.Money

  • A similar algorithm has a wallet from Yandex. Log in to it and log in.
  • Select the item "Goods and Services" in the left menu.

  • Enter FSSP in the search string on the site.

  • Before you immediately appear payment details Bailiff Service. In this wallet you can also pay details.

How to pay the fine bailiffs in WebMoney

  • This purse is necessary to transfer funds to the bank account. Make it simple: go to the purse and choose the option "Withdrawals", then click on "bank account."
  • In the next field, you have to fill out the transfer details and select the amount of write-off. You can get all the details in the FSSP application or on the official website.

How to pay the penalty of the bailiffs in the terminals and the bank branch

Most of the bank terminals support the translation of the bailiff service, you only need to know the details of the payment that are on the site.

  • You can also print a receipt on the FSSP website and come with it to the bank's office to the operator. Transfer of funds is carried out within three working days.

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