How to pay a fine traffic police without commission

How to pay a fine traffic police without commission

The result of the non-compliance of traffic rules is almost always an extract to the violator of the fine.
In modern realities, the driver offers many ways to pay a fine. You can even leav from home. However, most motorists are interested in another question - how to pay off the debt with minimal overpayments or at all without any? We are talking about the Commission, which "accompanies" the majority of payments, and the traffic police fines were no exception. Is it possible to avoid it?

How to pay the traffic police fine without commission: service of public services

The popularity of this service is due to several factors:

  • Convenience - to carry out payments, it is enough to have access to the Internet.
  • The service is simple and understandable in use.
  • With it, other payments can be carried out, including the transfer of taxes, repayment of debt on executive sheets.

But most importantly - there is no fee for the use of the service, i.e. Commission. To pay a fine with the help of public services, follow these steps:

  • Go to the site
  • Come on the system - specify your name, surname, mobile phone number and email address.
  • Go "Public Services" - "Payment of traffic police fines" - "Get the service".
  • Next, fill out an application in which you register the data of the driver's certificate and the registration document on the car (STS).
  • Configuring notifications, read the list of fines in your Personal Account.
  • Make a fine of the fine - next to the decision / protocol on the offense click the "Pay" key.

Despite the lack of fees for the use of the service, even for registered users, the Commission still arises (from a banking institution or cellular operator) at the transfer of funds. You can also install a mobile application of this service for even more comfortable use of the service.

How to pay a traffic police fine without commission: official traffic police portal

  • Go to the road inspection site
  • Click on "Check fines".
  • Fill out the state registration mark (indicating the region), as well as the number of certificate of registration of the vehicle.
  • Click "Request Check".
  • If data is available, the system will form a notification to pay, which you can either "print" or "Pay online."
  • Choose the latter.
  • Specify the payment method and proceed to payment. When paying with the QIWI wallet, the Commission is missing, since this system is a partner of the Russian Federation.

How to pay a traffic police fine without commission: Sberbank service online

To pay the fine, you can use the Internet bank from Sberbank. The required terms of payment are connected mobile banking, as well as a sufficient amount of money in the account.

  • Go to Sberbank Online and find the section "Transfers and payments".
  • In the above list, find "taxes, duties."
  • Go "traffic police" - "Fines".
  • Next, go to the point "Pay on the receipt".
  • Make details (number) of the payment document and choose the account from which the money will be written off. If you do not have the receipts in your hands, use the "Fine" search. " To do this, you must specify the registration data of the vehicle, as well as the data of the driver's license.
  • Specify the amount of payment and click "Confirm".
  • After making the code expelled in SMS, click "Finish".
  • From your account will be written off the required amount.

Commission size, though small (1%), but it will have to pay.

How to pay the traffic police fine without commission - recommendations

  • Always keep receipts about the payment done. Otherwise, when a controversial situation arises, the risk of re-payment of the fine.
  • For the payment of the amount specified in the protocol, the driver has 60 days (if the document was not challenged within 10 days from the date of statement). Otherwise, money will be charged forcibly.
  • Timely payment of the fine will save from unpleasant consequences, including forced work and administrative arrest.
  • Many banks periodically offer a variety of "promotional" services, including holding payments on the repayment of traffic police fines without commission.

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