How to make a tax deduction?

How to make a tax deduction?

The term NDFL firmly entered the modern lexicon. Individuals, receiving income (wages, dividends, prizes, etc.) pay tax from him. Tax agents are most often engaged with the holding and transfer of payments (for example, employers). As a result, a person gets the right to return the part of the funds spent as a result of large spending. The recovery mechanism is provided and has a tax deduction. Consider more this concept.

Tax deduction - who has the right to compensation for NDFL?

The wording "Tax deduction" implies a partial refund (in the amount of 13%) the amount spent on the payment of certain goods and services.

Residents are eligible (including non-citizenship of the Russian Federation), which pay income tax in the amount of 13%. IP in this category does not fall. The exception is only those entrepreneurs who pay 13% to the budget from the received income received.

Restrictions on the size of compensation and types of deduction

It should be remembered that the amount of compensation will not exceed the amount of income tax paid for the previous period (calendar year). In addition, each type of compensation has its own monetary border.

The deductions may be the following types:

  • Standard - allows you to reimburse part of the funds spent on various kinds of purchase. Most often, the applicants classify this compensation as a deduction for children. Upper refund border - 15 600 rubles. (13% of 120 thousand rubles). If the applicant's income exceeded 350 thousand rubles. (The amount is calculated from January 1 of the current year by increasing), the right to this type of compensation is lost.
  • Social The deduction is aimed at reimbursement of a part of the funds spent on treatment and training. In general, the boundary amount for this category - 15 600 rubles. Particularly large spending are considered separately.
  • Property - It is issued in order to partial reimbursement of funds spent on the acquisition of real estate. The boundary amount of deduction is 13% of 2 million rubles.
  • Professional - Determined on the basis of spending incurred in connection with professional activities.
  • Delegations associated with the transfer to future periods of current losses.

The procedure for making a refund

Regardless of the type of tax deduction, the reimbursement of funds occurs (most often) at the end of the calendar year. The basis for the formation of a return of funds is the information provided in the declaration on f. 3-NDFL. The required documents confirming the right to deduct the report to the report. At the same time, it is possible to file a declaration at any time throughout the year.

It is also possible to obtain a tax deduction until the end of the year. In this case, part of the amount is paid on the basis of the size of the already listed taxes, the missing amount of deduction the resident receives from the tax agent (by reducing the tax base). It is preferable to use the first method of compensation (single amount).

Order order Next:

  • Registration and transfer to the tax authority declaration F. 3-NDFL.
  • Preparation 2-NDFL.
  • Applying for reimbursement of funds within the framework of deduction indicating details to transfer money.
  • Documents indicating the purpose and size of the tools spent.

Depending on the type of compensation, which the applicant is calculated, the list of papers will be different:

  • For learning purposes - an agreement with the institution and the license of the latter, payment documents.
  • For treatment purposes (including childbirth) - certificate of payment for medical services, an agreement with a medical organization, its license. The latter is not required if its number is entered into a medical certificate.
  • When buying or building real estate - a contract of sale or participation in construction, certificate of ownership or an act of acceptance and transmission, respectively, payment documents. If we are talking about credit funds - you need to provide a loan agreement.

Consideration and verification of the information provided is made within 3 months.

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