Many bank card holder can more like a credit card, rather than the usual debit. With credit card, you will change the purchase process itself, your attitude to the means. Perhaps this option is much more profitable for you. It can be useful if your wage is crushed fractionally or with delays: you manage tools at once, and then put them.
What documents are needed to obtain a credit card in Sberbank
A credit card can be issued far from all: the bank looks at your credit history, debt, average income and the overall experience. As soon as the Bank's specialists decide that you can apply for a credit card - it will be given it to you.
When you need to have:
- Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- Reduss;
- Inn;
- Help 2 NDFL from your place of work. It should be reflected six last months of work;
- A copy of your current employment contract or a copy of the workbook. Necessarily assures the employer;
- If you have an IP certificate, it is served.
The bank can revise the list of documents if you are a depositor or borrower in Sberbank, or receive a pension there.
Conditions for receiving a credit card in Sberbank
As already mentioned early, you will have to meet the requirements of the Bank:
- Be older than 21 years;
- Have a total work experience at least a year;
- Stay in your current place of work for half a year;
- Satisfy the bank with its income;
- Funds must be stable;
- Credit history will greatly affect the decision of the bank;
- You have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
As a rule, when considering the application, these factors are taken into account.
How to apply
Previously, you had to personally come to the bank branch and write a statement with an employee. Now the procedure is somewhat relief, although it still requires your presence at one of the stages. Now you can sit comfortably at home and see all available credit card types, their interest and limits, as well as submit an online application.
Go to the Sberbank website by reference
On this page you can familiarize yourself with all possible types of credit cards.
Full information is given under the "Read more about the map" button. Maps may differ in the following criteria:
- Limits for the maximum loan;
- Term of interest-free loan;
- The interest on the loan itself, in case of its delay;
- Special offers from partners of the bank;
- Bonus program;
- Mode of issue.
If you click on additional information, you will find out all the important details and differences in credit cards.
If you choose one of them and want to place immediately on the site, then go back to the previous menu and click on the button "Order" under the card you are interested in.
For users of Sberbank online and new customers of the bank, the design procedure is somewhat different:
- If you already have a login and password in Sberbank Banking, then just click on the "Yes, I am a user Sberbank online";
- In the case when you do not have such an account, click "I do not have a login to Sberbank online."
If you do not have a login, you will have to go through a short procedure to specify your personal data:
- A valid telephone number will be required;
- Your passport data;
- SNILS and INN number.
After submitting the application, you will see the date of appeal to the Bank's Office and the required package of documents. You need to approach the Sberbank specialist and provide all the originals and copies of documents, after which you have to wait for the Bank's decision. If you give you a card, you receive a notice of this on the phone and email.