How to write a pension statement

How to write a pension statement

The monetary manual, which is appointed for long service, to achieve a certain age, with the loss of the breadwinner or in other cases provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation, is called a pension. To make a pension allowance from the state, it is necessary to assemble a certain list of documents. The main of these documents is a pension statement. Since 2015, the order of retirement to the old age retirement was changed - consider this when collecting documents. Consider in more detail how to write a retirement statement and which accompanying documents will be required for this.

How to write a pension statement - Features of the accrual of pension benefits

The current legislation establishes such an age of retirement:

  • For female - to achieve 55 years.
  • For male - 60 years.

Changes in the order of pensions are concluded in an increase in the experience: to obtain a retirement manual in 2015, the person must have at least six years of experience, and in 2024 it will take fifteen years of approved work activities. As a basis for retirement in 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation should have the smallest - from eight years of labor history.

The forms of the established form for writing the application are taken in the Pension Fund or download sample age-age retirement application in 2017 we have.

Forms forms, previously 2017 are not recommended for filling, as they may contain irrelevant data.

How to write a pension statement - what should be indicated in the application

Pension statement format is established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Z. austignation on the appointment of pension (filled sample) You can download here. Documents are submitted through a legitimate representative or in a personal manner. The design of your application takes place for ten days after applying. The document must contain such items:

  • Full name, patronymic and surname of the present person to pension payments.
  • Citizenship.
  • The type of document (statement).
  • The name of the enterprise to which the document is presented.
  • Your place of accommodation (in fact).
  • Your contacts - phone.
  • Certicking Documents.
  • Marital status, having dependents.
  • Labor history of the applicant in details.
  • Written request for the accrual of pension benefits.
  • List of documents that are attached to the application.
  • Date of registration of a statement, indication of the type of pension payments.
  • Personal signature and decryption of governing.
  • Insurance certificate number

If the pension allowance has already been calculated, then this is necessarily indicated in the application. When submitting documents for an extraordinary accrual of pension payments, the basis for this is prescribed, as well as a list of supporting documents.

How to write a pension application - order of registration

We choose an application option: in electronic form or in a personal manner. If you have decided to personally present a package of documents to the Pension Fund, we recommend that such a sequence of actions:

  • A pension statement on the state pattern and the accompanying package of documents is prepared a month before the onset of retirement age.
  • To present documents and application to the department, you can also post office or IFC.
  • If at the time of submission of the application ( Blank application for the appointment of pension unfilled It can be downloaded from us) there are no documents, then the period for presenting such documents is given to three months. After this time, all documents will have to be assembled.
  • Your personal details should also be brought to accrual pension and information about the actual place of residence.
  • The transfer of funds occurs after receipt of the actual retirement right, which is happening as a result of viewing and approving all documents.

The procedure for submitting an application for pension in electronic form

You can apply for or recalculation of pensions in electronic form. To do this, perform such actions:

  • We are registered at the State Site Services.
  • We spend identification, create a personal account.
  • We download copies of documents in electronic form through a special form, fill out the application on the site.
  • The timing of registration of pension payments is the same for submitting documents in person and for the electronic form of filing - no more than ten days. It is recommended to assemble a package of documents in advance (a month before the retirement age) in order to have to complement the missing samples of documents.

Note: If you start the registration of the pension after the onset of the retirement age, then the payout for the lost period of time is not charged.

  • For early retirement retirement with accruals, contact the pension fund in advance in order to make sure its right to design.
  • If you do not agree with the decision of the Pension Fund, you always maintain the possibility of solving the issue in court.

We examined in detail the procedure for issuing a statement in electronic form and with personal appeal to the relevant authorities (separations of the Pension Fund), as well as the terms of consideration and samples of the proper registration of an old-age retirement.

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