How to measure the length of the legs

How to measure the length of the legs

Even with one growth, women may look absolutely different. It depends on the ability to choose the right clothing. To do this, you need to know not only your parameters, but also the length of the legs.

The length of the legs will allow you to buy clothes in the online store, not lost with the size. Remember, it is necessary to make measurements of both legs, since in most cases one foot can be shorter than another. In this case, the legs will help special insoles. If the difference exceeds 1.5 cm, it is worth contacting a traumatologist or a vertebrol, which will advise what to do so that there is no problems with the back.

To measure the legs, you should take a centimeter and undress to the underwear. You can leave fitting pants or tights. Measurement should be made from the protruding femoral bone to the floor. If the value obtained is more than 6 cm than half of your height, then you are the owner of long legs. In the case of the difference, only 2-3 cm it is recommended to wear heels to make the figure proportional. In some cases, when the posture is violated, it is necessary to sew shoes under the order. The master will make different shoes that will help correct the shape and make the back smooth.

Measures can be performed independently. Become a heel on a centimeter and pull the tape. Leave it to the femoral bone and determine the length, do the same with the other foot. Frozes are more accurate, which are carried out together.

If you decide to buy jeans in the online store, you need to know the length of the legs. Pay attention to the fitting of the product. You can lengthen your legs with a pants with an overwhelmed waist. If you have a wide waist, refrain from the acquisition of such clothes or wear such jeans with free shoes. Long-legged girls who have a feet of 7-9 cm longer than half of growth, can afford to wear any clothes.

If you have short legs, that is, the length of the femoral bone to the heel is only 2 cm more than half the growth, refrain from the purchase of shortened trousers and shorts below the knee. Such clothes visually makes the legs even shorter. If you want to lengthen them a little, try to wear shoes on a heel. Jeans and pants must be 2-3 cm longer than the exact length of your feet. This will allow you to wear such an outfit for any shoes. Ordering clothes in the online store, pay attention to its cut. If you have very magnificent hips, do not buy trousers with a low waist, they increase the buttocks, and the figure will seem disproportionate.

How to measure the length of the legs

Want to seem above? In this case, do not wear a dress with a low waist. Purchase an outfit with a chest skirt. Girls with a long torso very go skirts and sunk clothes. Despite the small length of the legs, you are suitable for dresses in the floor and skirts-maxi. It is advisable to choose an outfit asymmetric cut from the bottom of different lengths. Very nice on girls with short legs looks skirt-bell, short front and long rear.

Do not get upset if the length of the legs does not exceed half of your height. Specively picking clothes, you will be able to hide this defect.

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