How to add bots in cs

How to add bots in cs

CS - a cult shooter. On the server to shoot, millions of players around the world come every day. But it is not always possible to play online. For such cases in CS there is a game with bots. About players are not rarely honed with them their skills. And for a beginner is an opportunity to try yourself in the game. How to add bots to CS?

ZBOT - Official bots from "Valve"

Not all versions of Counter Strike support the game with bots. You can install them in the game using ZBOT.

  • Drop the zbot pack (there is on the sites dedicated to the game).
  • Zbot Archive Unpack the game folder.
  • Go to the game and press H (English) to open the menu or register in the "+ CommandMenu" console.
  • Next, click "bots" - "add bots" and add the required number of fighters.
  • Through the menu, you can set the complexity of bots - "bots" - "configuring bots".

Counter Strike 1.6.

In this classic version of the game, add bots through the menu can not. All commands are entered through the command console and it is easy.

  • Open the game and start the "New Game".
  • Use the "~" key (in Russian layout letter E), open a command console, enter bott_add and press Enter. bot_add_t team are terrorists, bot_add_ct team - sretsnazovtsy. Using the command adds a bot.
  • To rid itself of exhausting Prescribing each robot in the console, register bot_quota, adding the desired amount through the gap (bot_quota_15 add 15 men).
  • Use the commands bot_diffcylti you can change the difficulty of the bots from 0 to 3.
  • To disable the automatic distribution of teams and play one against all bots, register at the console first team mp _autoteamsbalans_0 (disables distribution), and then mp_limitteams_, after adding the right amount of space enemies.

Couter Strike: Source

In this version of the game of the enemy, you can add in the menu, where you create a game.

  • Click "Create Server" button.
  • Select the map.
  • Check the box next to "Create Computer Players".

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

In this version of the game, adding bots similarly to Sourse. It is possible to choose five types of games with a computer.

  • Fight to death - instant rebirth after death and continuation of the round.
  • Race of arms - you need to be the first to kill from all types of weapons, 27 murders, and you are a winner.
  • The destruction of the object is 20 rounds to win need to defeat more than 10, killing the opponent's team or depends on a bomb.
  • The classic normal - the winner is determined by the results of 15 rounds.
  • Classic competitive - 30 rounds, for victory you need to win 16 of them, killing the opponent team, depends on a bomb or bring the hostage.

Console teams for adding bots in CS: GO also work.

Add bots to the game is easy, even a child can cope with it. Touch your skills and join live players on servers.

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