What is interesting to look in Azov

What is interesting to look in Azov

On the banks of the glorious River Don is located a small, drowning in greenery, a cozy town called Azov. Until today, he carefully keeps his story from the beginning of Russian-Turkish wars.
Therefore, let's pay good attention to the Azov and get acquainted with its sights. There are many interesting places that can be visited for the benefit of our own development and just from pleasure.

Fortress Azov. Currently, fragments of this fortification structure of the XIV century are preserved - Alekseevsky Gate and two fortress defensive shaft. On the ridge of one of them there are layouts of antique cannons with trunks, threateningly nominated from boysnitis. Here everything reminds of the harsh events of old years, when Azov was the cause of disconior between the Ottoman and Russian Empires. As a result of fierce fighting, the fortress of Azov in 1774 was forever joined Russia. Today it is a favorite place for walking locals and an attractive object for tourism. If you go to the crest of the Azov Fortress shaft, a wonderful view of the river Done Delta will open.

The powder cellar is one of the most visited attractions of Azov, built by the engineer made more than 200 years ago. This building is a real architectural monument to the military engineering art of the era of Catherine. In the cellar double walls made of seashed stone and clay brick. They have ventilation channels. In the aggregate, all this levels the difference in temperatures outside and indoors. The cellar capacity at its twelve-meter altitude is 60 tons. Nowadays, the powder cellar exists like a branch of the city museum. The exposition of the museum includes the historical diorama "Taking the Turkish Fortress of Azov". Near the cellar, you can see the genuine Russian gun of the XVII century, which emphasizes the artillery mission of similar warehouses in the history of Russia.

Museum R.L. Samamilovich. The local museum of this famous polar researcher is the only one in the country. In the north, a lot of geographical objects were named after the outstanding merits of a scientist. On the account of Rudolf Samoilovich 21, the scientific expedition, thanks to which the state received and the beginning of the development of new mineral deposits. Proceedings of the scientist enriched the Soviet science with research on the peculiarities of the northern drift of ice and underwater flows of the Ice Ocean. The museum is located in the building where the R. Samamilovich family lived. In the exposition, personal items and the results of scientific discoveries of the scientist.

Monument to Sheina. Not far from the local history museum at the honorable place in the center of Azov, Bronze sculpture of Boyar Shein Alexey Semenovich is towers. Petra 1 alone in the Crimean and Azov campaigns, the grazer of Streletsky Bunt, an outstanding commander is armed here of a saber and is closed in a military uniform. In the battles for the fortress Azov A.Sesin was awarded the highest military rank of generalissimus. The monument to the Russian commander was opened on June 12, 2009. This date symbolizes Russia's independence day.

Monument to Peter I. Bronze Melted figure of the king of All Russia established in 1996 by the Day of Celebration of the Three hundredth anniversary of the Russian Fleet. Its height is 3 m, and the pedestal is made of solid stone blocks.

Here is a small tolik of what can be told about Azov within the framework of this material. There are still a lot of wonderful places. Come here and see for yourself!

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