Grout seams tiles in bathroom with their own hands

Grout seams tiles in bathroom with their own hands

Bathroom renovation, as a rule, is to finish the walls with a tile. Statting of the tile seams - the finishing procedure, completing the process of laying the tile. Not only the appearance of the lined surface of the wall, but also its durability depends on the quality of this work. Grouting seams tiles in the bathroom - simple  the process that can be done with your own hands without the help of professionals. Consider the main stages of work in more detail.

Required materials and tools

To work, you will need:

  • A bucket or other tank for breeding grouts in powder. You can also purchase a ready-made mixture.
  • Electrode with a small mixer. In the absence of an electric train, the mixture is shirled manually.
  • Rubber spatula for stamping.
  • Sponge
  • Manual water sprayer
  • Gloves

Preparatory stage before work

  1. Before starting the work, you should thoroughly wash the tile from the dirt, and clean it with the remnants of the adhesive mixture. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a stationery knife, a scraper or a metal spatula. It is necessary to do it with special accuracy, so as not to scratch the glossy surface of the tile. After cleansing the surface, the seams between the tile must be moistened with water using a sprayer or a wet sponge.
  2. The junctions between the tile are thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust using a stationery knife. At the end, you can go through the seam of sandpaper.
  3. After preparing the surface to work, you can prepare a mixture. There are two options for using grouts: powder composition that should be diluted with water according to the instructions on the package, or purchase a ready-made mixture for grouting seams.
  4. When preparing a mixture of powder, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the proportion of dilution. Powder in small portions should be added to water (not vice versa), thoroughly mixing the whisk of a mixer. As a result, an elastic homogeneous mass of applying in the form of thick sour cream should be obtained.
  5. You can get to work already in 5 minutes after its preparation.
  6. It is important to remember that the beginners who perform the work on the applying of the grout to the tile are not enough quickly, the powder should be breeding in small quantities so that the mass does not frozen. Grout, in contact with the air, quickly dries and loses its elasticity. Drying period of the composition - about half an hour.

Stripping technology

After the surface of the working wall is cleaned and prepared for operation, it is possible to start the process of grouting seams itself:

  1. Moisten the joints between tile water using a sponge.
  2. Dial the solution to the rubber spatula and gently spend on the seam between the tile. Try to apply the grout strictly by seam without going out for its surface. Grout must fully cover the seam so that after drying the composition, there were no emptiness in it. Hand movements when applied grouts, should be smooth and clear. It is necessary to start working on grouting seams from the top point of the wall, gradually moving down.
  3. Excess the composition you need to quickly remove from the tile using a sponge or spatula. The mixture dries quickly and then it will be difficult to remove it.
    In the process of work, periodically mix the composition to prevent drying and rejection.
  4. After processing the entire surface, after 30 minutes, the tile can be washed with a sponge and remove the excess composition, which still fell to the surface.

Useful tips when working with tiles:

  1. Before working, protect the floors and other surfaces in the bathroom with a film or construction scotch.
  2. Use gloves and respirator in operation.
  3. If you used plastic dividers (cross) when laying a tile, it should be removed that the grout is evenly distributed between the tel's joints.
  4. When choosing a grout mixture, pay attention to its antibacterial and moisture-resistant properties to prevent the formation of mold and fungus in the bathroom.

If you correctly pick up or prepare a grout mixture, clearly acting according to the instructions, there should be no problems with the grouting of the seams. Accuracy and sequence of tank appliances  between the seams of the tile - the key to high-quality work and the durability of tiles in the bathroom.

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