Yotaphone 2 on Aliexpress.com |

Yotaphone 2 on Aliexpress.com |

Yotaphone 2 is the elder brother of the first phone of the Russian company Yota. Despite the fact that you can buy it in many domestic stores, it can be written with Aliexpress. It is extremely convenient for lovers of Russian appliances living abroad.

Search YotaPhone 2 to Aliexpress

In order to watch the phone in the online store, you need to make some simple steps:

  • Drive in the search string Yotaphone 2. And click on ENTER or magnifying glass icon.

  • Take any minimum value that can be a phone price. For example, 5,000. In the minimum price range, drive 5000 and click on approx.

  • Search Issuance gives 15 results, among which the phone we need only 1. The very first product is Yotaphone 2..

Characteristics of Yotaphone 2 on Aliexpress

Seller rating. A total estimate was left 21 people. Average rating - 4.8. This is a very high indicator that speaks about the reliability of the seller.


  • Phone characteristics correspond to all modern indicators.
  • RAM - 2 GB.
  • Built-in mobile memory Yotaphone 2. - 32 GB. It is quite nice, given that it is excluding a memory card.
  • Screen diagonal Yotaphone 2. - 5 inches. Very compact and convenient phone.
  • Four-core processor.
  • Yotaphone supports almost all modern applications.


  • The front camera is 8 megapixels, self-chamber - 8.
  • 2500 mi-amp per hour.

After analyzing the aforementioned characteristics, you can make a choice in favor or not in favor of the phone.

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