Top 10 cryptocurrency

Top 10 cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency or digital currency is the invention of the era of the Internet. Many of them were created with the help of the "blockchain" technology. The value of any cryptocurrency is determined by the demand for it at the mass audience. The cost of cryptocurrencies can be as suddenly "take off" and fall, which makes cryptocurrency with high-profile investments. We present you the top ten cryptocurrency today.

№1 - Bitcoin.

The first and most famous cryptocurrency. Bitcoin serves as a digital gold standard in the entire cryptocurrency industry, is used as a payment method almost around the world seven years after the release, in 2009 the cost of bitcoine increased from scratch to more than 650 US dollars, and the transaction volume reached more than 200,000 daily transaction transactions. The creator of Bitcoin was an anonymous developer (or a group of persons) under the pseudonym Satoshi Dzamoto.

№2 - Ethereum.

Ethereum (ETH) is a relatively new cryptocurrency released in 2015. Ethereum was designed for another technology than Bitcoin. Ethereum is also a platform and programming language that can be used to create and run applications. Thus, Ethereum has different ways of application. Mainers who contribute to the creation of new blocks or processing of transactions, receive new crypto-tokens called the ether. Ether can be traded and used to run applications. Ethereum succeeded and turned into the largest altowel (cryptocurrency, alternative bitcoine) on the market.

№3 - Ripple.

Ripple project currency is known as XRP and, unlike Bitcoin, the company fully controls it and is responsible for appeal, and not for users. XRP cannot be produced as it is not a real cryptocurrency, but rather "token", which is used to represent traditional currencies. Its main goal is to alleviate quick money transfers around the world. Some transactions take just a few seconds for processing, as Ripple has been created to help pay for transactional fees in different banks. Therefore, when two different banks take Ripple, fees are quickly processed and money is transferred.

№4 - Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that separated from Bitcoin in August 2017. Bitcoin Cash increases block size, allowing you to handle more transactions. Bitcoin Cash is different from Bitcoin by increasing the block size from 1 MB to 8 MB.

№5 - Litecoin.

The coin was inspired by bitcoine (BTC). Litecoin (LTC), released in October 2011, is a global decentralized digital currency based on BlockChain technology. It is often referred to as a light bitcoine, because it is technically almost identical, but much cheaper. It has a fourth largest market capitalization (180 million dollars) and is accepted by many stocks. The number of units is limited to 84 million. Because of this limit, inflation will not reduce their cost.

Mainers use their computer resources to support cryptocurrency based on open source protocol and receive remuneration with LiteCoins if they have completed a certain cryptographic operation.

Litecoin can be bought or exchanged on bitcone or fixed currency, such as USD or EUR. You can also purchase goods and services for LiteCoin.

№6 - NEO.

The project is founded in China and was originally launched in 2014 as antshares. Neo uses a delegated matching mechanism (DBFT) and can support up to 10,000 transactions per second. The project was founded da Hongfay. A total of 100 million NEOs was released.

№7 - Cardano.

Cardano. - This is a technological platform that controls the Cryptovaya ADA. Daedalus. - This is a cryptocurrency wallet that holds hell. Cardano develops its currency around the recursive firewall architecture (RINA). In this protocol, the leaders of the slots generate new blocks in the blockchain and check the transactions. Anyone who has Cardano ADA can become a slot leader.

Cardano uses Haskell, programming language with a high degree of fault tolerance.

№8 - Stellar

Stellar is an open source financial platform. The platform also functions as an effective currency exchange between the currency supported by the government, such as dollars to the euro. Stellar and Stellar Lumens (XLM) became the eighth most valuable cryptocurrency after Digital Strip announced , What can add support for the currency. Strip handles digital transactions for more than 100,000 enterprises, including Openable and Warby Parker.

№9 - MONERO.

MONERO (XMR) is 100% anonymous cryptocurrency with the PWC Cryptonight Hatching algorithm (only with a 64-bit processor) and based on the Cryptonote protocol. Unlike most cryptocurrency, Monero uses the "ring signatures" technology, which shifts the open user keys to eliminate the possibility of identifying a particular user. Monero uses a special protocol that generates several unique disposable addresses associated only by the payroller and not detected by block analysis. Monero cryptographically protected.

№10 - DASH

DASH was created partially to solve the two biggest problems of bitcoins: lack of privacy and transaction speeds. This is a common misconception that the Bitcoan transaction is anonymous. In fact, it is easy to identify the address of the wallet, and you can track transactions through blockchain. According to DASH developers, you can send anonymous transactions using cryptocurrency through your function Privatesend.. With PrivateSend your transaction is related to other anonymous payments. It makes it difficult for someone the opportunity to see where the transactions come from and where they go.

Outside this list, there are also newer cryptocurrency with other types of advantages. And only time will show whether the above cryptocurrencies will remain in the top 10 or will be replaced by others.



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