

More and more people make orders every day on one of Aliexpress Chinese shopping areas. Naturally, many minor users have an obvious question, from what age, users can shop on this site.

During registration, as can be seen in the screenshot, there is no field for entering the date of birth of a new user. By the way, in the user profile settings, the field for entering the date is also absent.
It would seem that he was the answer to the question of interest to you - there are no restrictions on age for users. But not everything is so simple.

When placing an order, you must enter the delivery address of your order. The first pitfalls appear here. To receive its parcel in all post offices and branches of transport companies, you will need to show a passport. Consequently, the first age limit appears - for Russia it is 14 years old, and for Ukraine 16.

But this is not the last limitation. On the site there are many payment methods, but, unfortunately, minor buyers are not all suitable. For example, some banks have a restriction of age for maps maps not under 16 or even 18 years.

Based on this, it can be concluded that it is necessary to have a passport and a bank card or an electronic wallet for shopping on Aliexpress. This means that with minimal requirements, users from Russia can make orders when at least 14 years have been reached, users from Ukraine from 16 years. Otherwise, it becomes necessary to take advantage of the strangers of parents, relatives, friends who already have a passport and an electronic wallet or bank card.

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