Our planet Earth on 70% consists from water. Greasy part water resources make up 4 ocean. O we write existing oceans, their location, underwater residents and entertaining intelligence.
1)Quiet ocean
Quiet ocean – most significant on square and also depth ocean. His sizes – 169,2 million kv..kM. Maximum depth – 11022 meters. Despite on name, he counts most riot, because. here burry 80% tsunami, in view set underwater volcanoes. Commercial importance ocean significant – more halves world ulova. fishes mined exactly v Quiet ocean. except of this, v ocean 40% reserves oil and gas. Quiet ocean contains over 950 varieties algae a also over 120 thousand representatives animal mira.
Curious intelligence:
- V Quiet ocean are located about 25 thousand. islands
- On one from islands ocean found very interesting objects monetary calculation – rings from stone height more two meters and weight 15 tons.
- V it is ocean most high waves, what very like surfistam
- Water ocean possible put full surface Earth and thickness water cook surpass 2500 meters.
- Averaged speed movement crushing wave in time tsunami make up 750 kM/c.
- V case, if would all water v ocean suddenly evaporated, on dn. stayed would plast sololi. thick 65 meters.
2)Atlantic ocean
Atlantic ocean – next on volume ocean planet. His sizes reach 91,6 million kv..kM. Maximum depth reaching 8742 meter. Above spacious Atlantic ocean exists all climatic zones. Ocean gives two fifth world ulova. fishes. Enriched mineral resources – there is oil, gas, iron ore, barite, limestone. Residents ocean very diverse – whales, marine cats, tyulena, marine hedgehog, fishes–parrots, shark, fishes–surgeons and t.d.. V ocean lives lots of dolphins.
Curious intelligence:
- By Atlantic ocean. protect warm flow Golfstream, giving warm climate European countries., possessing access to ocean..
- Among residents special a place occupy delicatesse: oysters, mussels, squid, caracatians and t.d..
- V ocean available sea without borders shores – Sargassovo..
- V Atlantic located mystery mankind – Bermudian triangle. it region v plot Bermuda islands, where disappeared big number aircraft and ships.
- So same ocean famous utooth ship – « Titanic». Research on dn. go before present of time.
3)Indian ocean
Indian ocean – 3–j. on magnitude ocean planet. His sizes reach 73,55 million kv..kM. Maximum depth 7725 meters. Counts most warm and young ocean. Quite numerous residents ocean undoubtedly consider tuna and various types shark. V smaller quantity present several different varieties marine turtles, marine snakes, whales, cachelot, dolphins. Flora presented v basic brown and green algae. Among useful fossils highlight natural gas, oil, rutyl, titanite, zirconium, phosphorite. V ocean mining pearl and nacre. Fishing fishes reaching five percent from world ulova..
Curious intelligence:
- V Indian ocean are located most popular islands for recreation such, how Sri–Lanka, Bali, Mauritius, Maldives.
- V ocean located second on saltness sea on Earth – Red. V sea top transparent water, sohow v his not pludge river.
- On dn. found self large marine coral.
- Here lives most dangerous poisoner – dovefolovy octopus. His value barely reaching ball for golf, a action poison kills less, how laying two hours.
- One from basic mysteries ocean – this is the missing of people. Repeatedly found floating ships without malley damage, but n. one man on nem. not present.
4) Northern Arctic ocean
Northern Arctic ocean – most small ocean Earth. His sizes make up 14,75 million kv..kM. Maximum depth 5527 meters. Animal peace ocean scoop thanks to surgome climate. Among fish dominate fishery such, how herring, salmon, cod, flounder. V big quantities are found fruit and whales.
Interesting facts:
- Phenomenon « dead water» – from–per occurrence internal wave, ship stops, despite on then, what all engines function.
- Iceberg ruined « Titanic» sailed exactly from North Iceit ocean.
- V Arctic lives most large variety seal, their weight about 200 kilogram.
- Most contaminated ocean. On dn. and on surface available considerable number bottles and packages.
- Outside from tayania ice v flow of the year salinity ocean maybe vary.
V 2000–m. g. International hydrographic organization decided highlight 5–j. ocean washed Antarctica – South. But already v 2010 it was accepted solution put away 5–j. ocean and leave 4.