Earrings do it yourself from beads

Earrings do it yourself from beads

Decorations made by your own hands will attract the attention of others and help you make your image interesting and memorable. Our article will teach you to make original bead earrings.

What is needed for making earrings from beads?

Everything you need will be purchased in a specialized store. What is needed in order to make earrings from beads? The most necessary materials:

  • Beads
  • Thin needles
  • Lesk
  • Schweaws
  • Flexible thin wire

There is a huge variety of main material. Beads can be different, large and small, matte and brilliant, long and short, in the shape of pebbles and pearls. The choice of beads depends on which earrings you want to do.


How do you make an earring rings from beads?

In order to make such earrings, take:

  • Beads
  • Earrings-rings
  • Thin wire
  • Scissors
  • Kruglogs
  1. Secure the wire on the earrings, near the fastener.
  2. Chuck on it beads and turn the earrings on the entire length.
  3. After that, secure the fastening the wire exactly as at the beginning of work.
  4. Imprint wire cut.
  5. Make the second earrings in the same way.

How to make earrings with a parallel weaving?

This is a very simple technique that you can easily master. This technique is also called French weaving arcs.

For the manufacture of decorations, take:

  • Beads of different colors (color choose to your taste)
  • Lesk
  • Clasp
  1. Cut the fishing line (90 cm) and type one bead.
  2. Increase the amount of beads, slide 2 bispers for any end of the fishing line.
  3. Thug through the last beads, making a cross-shaped intersection.
  4. Gradually increase one bisper with each following movement.
  5. When you reach 11 beads, continue weaving the product, making each subsequent row too out of 11 beads. How many rows will be in the product depends on its length.
  6. Alternate the color of the bead, depending on which pattern you thought to do.
  7. Having made a sufficient length of the earrings, reduce the beads in each row.
  8. Secure the fastener of the earrings.
  9. Make the second earrings in the same way.

With the help of beading, manifesting your fantasy, you can create chic earrings. Please give your own works and your loved ones, because products from beads can be an excellent gift.

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