What amount does the tax on Ali Extress in Russia pay?

What amount does the tax on Ali Extress in Russia pay?

On such a trading platform like Aliexpress You can order completely different goods. The range is so extensive that there is a necessary thing here for everyone. In the article, we will tell you how the maximum amount you can order goods.

How to order goods for Aliexpress?

On the site Aliexpress Millions of goods are presented. Here you can find absolutely everything: technique, automotive, clothing, jewelry, childen's goods and much more. And at affordable prices. For example, here most buyers receive a significant and guaranteed discount.

Sellers to sell their goods are often offered to purchase their goods at a reduced price.

Order Product on Aliexpress, very simple:

  • First you need to go through a small registration. For the first time, passing registration, a coupon will be issued for 2 dollars.
  • Select the item using a search bar or select the desired category.
  • Further click: "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart".
  • For ordering, specify your data.
  • After the sending address is specified, select payment method and confirm the payment.

Customs restrictions

When ordering goods, there are some limitations. But basically they concern commercial people who order the same product of the big party. For example, when ordering the clothing of the same style and the same size, in the amount of more than 70,000 rubles per month, you will need to pay a customs fee. Or a technical device, worth 75,000 rubles, is also subject to taxation. The amount of the customs contribution depends on the amount of the order (the more order, the higher the duty), weight and prices.

Customs duty is obligatory to pay. If you do not pay the payment, then administrative, legal or criminal liability comes. Pay tax is necessary within a month.

There are also restrictions on the purchase and import of such goods to Russia:

  • precious stones;
  • various nature of medicines;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • equipment for hidden observation;
  • All types of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • vitamins for athletes;
  • perishable products;
  • Animals, birds and insects;
  • Technical devices that have not passed certification in Russia;
  • various kinds of chemicals.

But on Aliexpress It is possible to order unique goods that are allowed for shipment, but they are quite difficult to purchase in Russia. For example, some models men's clocks of famous brands. The price is available to them, but to meet such an original design - difficult.

Maximum amount to order with Aliexpress

  • The maximum amount per aliexpress per month is 70,000 rubles. If you order a product for a big amount, then it will be necessary to pay tax.
  • The taxation does not depend on the value of the goods, but its weight and cost takes into account.
  • If a month ordered the goods weighing more than 30 kg, then the tax must also be paid.
  • The calculation of the tax by weight is calculated in different ways. For example, if the order amount exceeds 70,000 rubles and the weight is more than 30 kg, then it will be necessary to pay for the exceeding weight and sum.
  • You can order and expensive goods to Aliexpress, but with a good discount. For example, household appliances, computers and various novelties gadgets.

Tax on such a huge trading platform as Aliexpress Also present. But if you make purchases to 70,000 rubles per month and weighing up to 30 kg, then the taxation can be avoided.


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