You can buy a car not only in the car dealership, but also "from the hands." And if for the buyer in this case everything is quite simple and obviously, then the vehicle seller after a while after the transaction may face a number of unpleasant moments. The latter most often include transport tax and fines, which already receives a former owner of the car. Why do such situations arise and what way you can find?
Vehicle sale - Rules and deadlines for re-registration
The fact of the sale of a vehicle by one individual must necessarily be confirmed correctly compiled and a notarized contract of sale. Power of Attorney (including General) is the transfer of the right to control the vehicle, but not the transfer of ownership of it. Within 10 days from the date of sale, its new driver is obliged to re-register the acquired vehicle.
Transport tax (as well as fines for various types of traffic violations) are discharged on a registered car owner. Unfortunately, not all buyers conscientiously refer to their duties and do not produce the re-registration of the machine. This is the most common reason for receiving payments on the car already sold.
Vehicle sale - Letters about the payment of transport tax
So, you have successfully sold a car, and after a while we received a letter demanding to pay for the tax. Why do such situations arise and what are the way to solve the issue?
Reducing the size of the transport tax
Check the amount of accrued tax. This payment is calculated 1 time per year according to the results of the tax period (year). Therefore, for several months of the reporting year, during which you were still the owner of a realized vehicle, tax you must pay. In such cases, the amount of the tax will be less than you usually paid. In this case, it is not necessary to worry about - the buyer rejected the car and no longer payments on this vehicle you will not receive.
FTS error or traffic police
If you know for sure that the car is re-registered, and suddenly comes a new receipt - you need to go first in the traffic police, and then in the tax service. Take the necessary documents (passport, purchase contract), check the information in the traffic police, and then apply for recalculation in the tax service.
The buyer has not re-registered the car
This situation is most unpleasant. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the transport tax pays the person to which the car is registered. Therefore, while the buyer has not reused the vehicle (and the seller also did not take any action in this regard), paying the transport tax is obliged to the seller of the car, even if it is actually no longer its owner.
- Further, if the buyer does not manage to contact or he does not want to make contact voluntarily, you will have to go to the traffic police and the purchase and sale contract to the traffic police and independently fill out the application form, checking the item is to cease registration in connection with the sale of the vehicle.
- If the machine was transferred by proxy and the new owner categorically refuses to reissue the machine, as well as pay for the transport tax (and perhaps fines) you can withdraw a power of attorney, to file a search engine (not hijacking!) Or use a radical way to solve the problem - the transfer of the car in Util. The restoration machine is not subject to, but the payments will not come to it. This method is in no case use when selling cars under the contract of sale.
In general, it is strongly recommended not to wait until the first bills come, and on their own after 10 days from the date of sale of the car to contact the passport and the purchase and sale agreement of the vehicle in the traffic police and check the fact of removing from registration of your car (already in the past) of the car. If the machine on the 11th day is not reissued, you only need to write a statement on the termination of its registration. This is the only way to protect yourself from unpleasant financial consequences.