Feeding plants by boring acid

Feeding plants by boring acid

What only a rabbing plant will not go to his pets - the plants grow well and gave a crop. No deficit in fertilizers, you can choose depending on the type of plant, the goals that the gardener pursues. One of the most popular and affordable - boric acid. It has a positive effect on growth and yield, and does not cause fear for human health. But as it happens in life, there must be a measure in everything.

How does boric acid affect the plant?

Bor has a positive effect on all living things: contributes to the absorption of calcium, increases the growth and synthesis of biologically active substances. Roots of plants, filled with boric acid, will be better to "breathe."

  • The appearance of such fertilizer is also optimal - white powder, which is well dissolved in a warm liquid. The substance is not dangerous for a person if used according to the instructions.
  • Beginner agronomas should be aware that Bor has the property to accumulate, therefore compliance with the measure during feeding - the right decision. If you do not adhere to this rule, the plant may heat very quickly. The exit will be the maintenance of a special table, where should be noted when the feeder in the form of boric acid was used.
  • As a result of the right use of the substance, more urgents will appear, the sugartyness of the plant will increase.
  • Statistics argue that such a microfertilitation increases the fertility of vegetable and fruit - berry crops by 30%. It does not cause any mutations and other negative consequences.
  • The process of feeding should occur correctly, otherwise plants can get burns of leaves, branches or stem.

How to properly help the plant by the harrow acid?

So that all efforts are not in vain, you need to make feeding right. For the procedure, you should choose a warm cloudy day, so that the substance does not quickly evaporate when exposed to sunlight. The next important point is the choice of high-quality sprayer. It must create a lightweight animal, strong splashes should be excluded.

The main taboo - drops should not roll from the leaves. Watering should be stopped up to this point.

Algorithm of perfect feeding boric acid Next:

  1. Watering need from the watering can, and the hoses that create the pressure must be put aside.
  2. Sometimes plants watered under the root, but only in emergency cases when it is urgently to rehabilitate it. Do it very carefully.
  3. The solution should not get on the leaves and stem.
  4. It is possible to feather and boron in crystalline form, but only cultures in pots. On the open soil, all properties of fertilizer will be lost, and in the greenhouse there is a risk of burning roots. If an emergency is happening, it is almost impossible to save plants.

The drawing scheme is different depending on the type of cultures:

  1. Standard scheme for vegetable and fruit - berry plants - spraying 2 times when buds start opening, and then for another 5 - 7 day, as will appear.
  2. Apple trees, pears, quince and other seeds, fruit trees need to fertilize 3 times: when buds appear, during flowering and fruit pouring.
  3. Specific watering under the roots is selected occasionally, when there is a sign that the plant is sharply lacking boron.

The root fertilizer can also be used to eliminate pests.

How to determine the need of plants in boric acid?

Boric acid has cumulative properties, because excessive use of it can harm live culture. How to understand whether the plant is required or better to refrain from such experiments?

This will help several distinctive features. If the plant lacks boron, such signs will be visible to the naked eye:

  • leaves yellow or whiten;
  • young shoots grow below older;
  • changing the color of the leaves occurs evenly;
  • the shoots of fruit trees grow unevenly;
  • the emergence of a disease in the plant called "Fomoz", which leads to reinforcing stalks.

If there was at least one obvious sign of a lack of boron, then the plant must be easily supported.

Maybe the opposite problem is "overeating" boron. Then agronomy will see the following:

  • the leaves become artificially glossy;
  • the foliage is strung up, its edges - down.

With such signs, the plant must be left alone and not to water a solution of boric acid.

The most effective will be boric "therapy" in greenhouse conditions. All because in the greenhouse "reconcile" the plant is more difficult, burning its roots is also almost impossible. That reason is warm wet air. With all this, the boron will be absorbed faster.

How to divide boric acid?

Fertilizer by boric acid can be even a newcomer. It is necessary to simply execute two conditions: properly dilute the substance, and pour the plant.

Bor can only be completely dissolved in water, which is heated to 70 - 80 degrees. Couples should go from the liquid. Great a large amount of water is irrational, so 1 liter of water should be pouring, bring it to the desired temperature and pour boric acid.

This will be considered the main solution, which can then be diluted with a large amount of water. Now it is not necessary to warm it up.

Make your garden the subject of pride is completely simple. It is easy to watch the condition of its inhabitants in time and occasionally fertilize them. Boric acid is an affordable and inexpensive method to make it effectively.









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