Crafts do it yourself from natural material

Crafts do it yourself from natural material

Autumn is the best time to disclose creative potential. Under the legs, the foliage foliage, chestnuts are shine, acory and bumps are lying everywhere. Even adults have an insurmountable desire to collect all this beauty and save what to talk about children. Consider the most successful ideas of crafts that can be created from natural materials.

Funny turkey

The leaves of the autumn trees do not need to specifically search or collect, it is enough to just go outside and under your feet you will find real treasures. Bright bird can easily be done with the child after a walk. To create turkey, you will need:

  • cardboard 4-6 pcs.;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • maple leaves of yellow, red and brown;
  • 2 peas of black peppers.
  1. Cut their cardboard 5 circles of different diameter with kitchen utensils: plates, saucers, cups and cups of various volumes.
  2. Cut the legs from the leaves, two leave for the paws of the birds.
  3. Plue with leaves of external rims of 3 large paper blanks.
  4. Fold on each other paper in such a sequence: the biggest circle, smaller on it, then even smaller and at the end is the smallest. Build all the stapler.
  5. Brown leaves stick to 2 remaining circles, surplus cut with scissors.
  6. The resulting body and the head of the birds will be built with the rest of the items.
  7. Cut the beak, peppers from white cardboard and get pupils from peppers on them
  8. Shave all the details and do not forget about the legs.

Using the natural variety of paints and foliage forms, you can create tropical fish, original photo frames, all kinds of applications and unusual colors.

Crafts from chestnuts and acorns

Smooth chestnuts and tiny zhulids in funny caps - perfect material for creativity. Combining them, you can create a whole zoo from magical animals:

  • caterpillars and snakes - an unlimited amount of chestnuts just fasten with plasticine;
  • deer, bearish, men - to create legs, rozens and components of parts use ordinary matches and wires;
  • photo frames, vases, stands - enclosure the basis of threads or cardboard, add buttons, beads and grains.

Dried chestnuts, packed in a silk bag or a beautiful jar, not just a snaps. This is a natural means of protecting fur things from moths and other unpleasant insects.

Forest lukshko made of cones

Christmas tree bumps one of the symbols of winter. Toys and crafts from them bring the smell of the forest, the feeling of the holiday and fairy tales. Gifts under the New Year Christmas tree look very original in the Lukushka from natural material.

To create, it will take 40-50 revealed cones and wire sericulture.

  1. Closely secure 12 cones in a long row using a wire.
  2. Wire ends Connect to get a circle - this is the bottom tier basket.
  3. Similarly, make the second tier. The number of rows can be increased to 4, then the basket will be deeper.
  4. Build tiers with each other.
  5. Attach the semicircular handle from 10 cones.

The process of creating original jewelry will be more fun and creative if you attract all family members. Connect pebbles, shells, bumps, acorns and folias much easier using children's fantasy and adult skill. Family creativity is a simple recipe for creating an atmosphere of heat and comfort in the house.

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