Why is a newborn baby?

Why is a newborn baby?

Icota in newborns delivers trouble and discomfort to the most kid, and is also the cause of mothers concern. Especially when the child is the first, the woman begins to worry and panic, because it usually does not know the causes of Icotes and no idea how to help the child. In order to eliminate the ICOT, you need to know the reasons for it, and it is about it that will be discussed below.

Initial manifestations of icotes

  • Ipay the child begins in the womb. This is caused by involuntary contractions of another imperfect and just formed the diaphragm. The most sensitive women can feel it in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Also, the cause of Icotes can be a hook of cord cord. The lack of oxygen can provoke this reflex.

  • The sucking reflex in the kid is formed before birth, sometimes it, rehearsing the sucking movements, captures the amniotic fluid, which becomes the cause of reflexhector.

Ikota as a whole is a normal phenomenon that should not disturb the mother. But if the reflex is concerned about the baby and the mother, it is worth contacting a specialist who will explain why this happens, and will give the necessary recommendations.

Why is the baby playing after birth?

  • A diaphragm, which, in fact, is responsible for Icota, in infancy it is often immature and is reduced arbitrarily, which causes a sudden and rather strong Icota in the infant. Usually in the process of growing up it passes and stops disturbing.
  • Feeding can also cause strong Icotes. The baby still does not quite know how to suck the chest or a bottle, eats a lot, which causes excessive pressure on the diaphragm, she begins to shrink, which causes and causing.

  • In the process of feeding all grudnichki swallow air. This causes later hiccups and regurgitation. To address this need empirically choose a comfortable position of the child and the mother, when the air into the baby's body will be kept to a minimum.
  • Lowering the body temperature may cause hiccups. Thermoregulation in children still imperfect, so any changes in ambient microclimate may cause fluctuations in body temperature. Therefore, the baby is required to keep in comfort, warmth and comfort.

  • The food that uses the mother during breastfeeding, can be a factor provoking hiccups. A number of products are perceived by the body baby negatively and to avoid such consequences as hiccups and severe cramps, my mother is better to give at least 1 hour before feeding such foods as peanuts, eggs, coffee, wheat in all its manifestations, citrus, foods containing chocolate, soy.
  • If the mother is in compliance with all the conditions that must save her baby hiccups, but nothing helps, then you should consider this cause as gastroesophageal reflux disease. This disease causes the ingress of gastric contents into the esophagus and newborn hiccups in this case - not an isolated symptom. Baby can often vomit, experience a strong cramps, feeling a sharp pain in the abdomen, to be restless. If it was observed the presence of symptoms, there is a need to consult the doctor narrow focus.

  • Today's children are highly susceptible to allergies, and from infancy. Reaction to certain proteins or other components of food can cause hiccups. These substances may be contained in the mixture and in breast moloke.Pischevod inflamed, the diaphragm experiences a hiccup and provokes spasms.
  • Pungent smells or sudden environmental pollution can cause respiratory irritation baby, followed by a cough that causes the diaphragm to contract, which in turn, provokes severe hiccups.

In order to save the baby from disturbing his hiccups, it is necessary to remove the cause, it is called. That is, it is necessary to find out. And it needs to be attentive to the child's environment, its own power supply and external stimuli. Once the factor causing the hiccups will be eliminated, all will certainly be adjusted.

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