Why is black silver?

Why is black silver?

We all we know, what silver v jewelry products, canteens instruments, coins completed v it is noble metal, v end of the ends, becomes darker. To they retained mine beautiful shine, necessary take care o them, making this is constantly. First, what necessary knowsilver dark colour not means, what silver poor quality, or what it was damaged. it normal condition of this metal.

1)Causes dark raid on silver

  • No matter, which w. you product from silver. Be this is earrings, brooches, necklace, a bracelet or ringclean silver responds with air with over of time. Simpler speaking, noble metal responds with hydrogen sulfide, contained v oxygen, and this process it called « sulfidation».
  • Not only this natural chemical reaction v the air replies per bleaching present silver jewelry. sunscreen cream, perfumes, sweat or varnish for hair maybe cause education dark deposits. That's why regularly clean their decorations, to prevent this problem.
  • prolonged effect solar rays, artificial sveta, nautical water or cleaning tools also maybe to be harmful for jewelry products.
    except togo, PH (index acidity) skin maybe have defined conditions, which lead to fast blackout silver.
  • According to myths, this noble metal dark, because, what he absorbs bad energy, not allowing them directly influence on man.


2)Why silver becomes dark on the human tele?

People usually divided these causes on mystical and real. Consider both.
note, what mystical concept not it has scientific arguments. But we sometimes we consider what:

  • it symptom deterioration or love hex;
  • Manifestation constant laying v depression. A noble metal beret on myself all your negativity;
  • Prediction woes and speedy complications;
  • V it is case izoteriki advise for cleansing place thing v bowl with salt water. Leave on night so, to rays moon caught v capacity. So can get rid of from negative.

real same cause blackeningchemical reaction:

  • Silver accessories tried out. Often this is 925 try. She shows o percentage part of metal, and quantity impurities. V products 925 samples92,5% silver and rest 7,5% impurity. Structure impurity it includes copper. She responds with salts located v the air. How more impurities, top more risk change colors;
  • Why silver on tele potemel? it  connected with excessive potting, sharp hormonal sprinkles. Probably, you recently were pains, taken antibiotics;
  • Darkening maybe occur fromper other cream. it cause, on which traders recommend delete  decorations, at hygiene.
  • Sometimes covered name only chain, a other accessories remain bright. it indicator change level gormons. Maybe to be, to you necessary pass the test on hormones.


3)How right clear silver decorations?

Table instruments can easily clear. WITH decorations far more difficult, because what many decorations very delicate and often covered quite thin layer. it does. their very vulnerable for « errors» at cleaning. Some not maybe to be restored v case wrong action. Here why so important know, how this is do right.

  • First option is an cleaning jewelry v ultrasonic machine. Majority of people think, what this is maybe w. jeweler. But you also you can use her at home, because what they not expensive and simple v usage.
  • Water v combination with detergent actor, is an most. cheap and simple by decision cleaning silver jewelry. Put their hidden treasures across regular gaps of time v warm water, mixed with a few drops melting funds. V aspect deposits on metal softened, a then carefully rash down clean water. After of this important dish his, what better total do soft clothpreferably from microfiber.
  • V quality one from self old homemade tools for cleaning potamin silver used salt and aluminum foil. At first put aluminum foil. v empty glass and pour on hERE little sololi.. Now fill salt hot water. Salt should dissolve, put jewelry product for cleaning. You you can observe interesting chemical reaction. Aluminum foil will be blacka jewelry decorations quickly restore mine wasoy shine. Then remove product from water, rash down his small number water with detergent actor and thoroughly dried.


4)What not recommended for cleaning jewelry products from silver?

  • Often recommended use tooth paste and brush for cleaning jewelry. But be careful: v tooth paste maybe turn on small « emery pieces», which not only scratch dirt, but and her sensitive surface product. So what if your decorations with smooth, brilliant surface, this option cleaning unusable.
  • V the present time exists many chemical products for cleaning jewelry products. You must to be careful, because what many from them very aggressive and maybe damage jewelry product, a not refresh their.


5)On what reverse attention, cleaning product from silver?

Jewelry product from pearl, the foundation which silver or silverin partclean little more difficult. Previous advice top unusable here, so how they maybe damage beads. Most the best, what can do, – quickly to react on small pollution and rub their soft cloth. For heavy pollution better leave cleaning jewelerbecause what he knows, how clear silver, not having damaged pearl. V quality measures precautions preferably keep pearl decorations wrapped v velvet, v casket.Zhmchuk

Advice. Even if you usually clean their decorations at home, costs everyone threefour of the year conduct professional cleaning w. jeweler. He will be able recommend suitable cleaning funds or homework funds for optimal care per eachdy product. Maybe to be, you even not know, what store and clean their jewelry top not right. Pay, to talk sO specialist!

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