Stroganovsky Liver Classic Recipe

Stroganovsky Liver Classic Recipe

From the liver you can cook a lot of different yokes: cutlets, pancakes, hepatic cake. And now we will prepare another dish - Stroganov's liver.

History of the occurrence of dish "Stove Stroganovsky"

According to one of the versions, the dish came up with a French cook, who worked in the House of Russian Velmazby - Graph Stroganova, when his master was aged, and he had little teeth left. The dyed liver in the sublifting is very soft.

Initially, Beefstoganov (the dish is also called and so) they prepared from beef meat, and then from the liver, and other types of meat. The traditions of French and Russian cuisines are connected in this dish. From French cuisine, the principle of frying meat, from Russian - extinguishing meat with a filling.

How to cook "Stroganovsky Liver" according to a classic recipe?

Beefroganov is preparing from beef liver, but you can also try from the liver of other animal species.

For "Stroganovsky Liver" you need to take:

  • 500 g beef liver (can be pork)
  • 1 Middle Lukovitsa
  • 250 g sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. White wheat flour
  • 50 ml of water
  • 2-3 tbsp. Vegetable oil (better olive)
  • Salt and pepper black ground to their taste

We start cooking:

  • We take the liver, wash it, cut out and throwing off the film, whites.
  • The liver is cut with thin (1 cm thick) by storage.
  • Heat on a large frying frying pan, we pour half the oil, lower the liver panel and fry to a slightly shredded crust, from the same side. By time it will be enough will be 2-3 minutes for one side.
  • Purified onion by cutting with semirings or cubes and fry on another pan, on the residue of vegetable oil, until soft.
  • In deep tank mix the sour cream, flour and water, mix.
  • The liver in a pan is flooded with the resulting sauce, add a toasted bow and carcass on a weak heat for about 10 minutes. At the end of extinguishing, we add salt and pepper to your liking.
  • We supply stewed liver with potato mashed potatoes, boiled pasta or rice.

So, now we have learned how to cook Beefstrods from the liver.

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