Weathered lips - what to do?

Weathered lips - what to do?

At all times, women sought beauty, well-maintained and sexuality. However, there are unforeseen cases when the appearance spoils dry lips. Peeling, cracking and dilapidation may happen at any time, because in gentle skin there is practically no fat protective interlayer. Timely concern for lips, careful care and knowledge will help prevent troubles.

Causes of temptation

Anyone, regardless of gender and age, may face a similar problem. Nature itself deprived the regulation of moisturizing and nutrition, so the protection of the state of the lips is completely lying on a person.

According to statistics annually, 97% of women are subject to the problem of the tempering of the lips.

The causes of dryness can be two:

  • external, when weather conditions affect the gentle skin, be it heat or cold, sharp temperatures, dry wind, the use of unsuitable cosmetics and bad habits (bites, licking, smoking).
  • internal factors include avitaminosis, herpes, dehydration of the body and even a runny nose when a person breathes through his mouth.

Prevention of status

Prevent the problem is much easier than to treat it. Proper daily care for lips is one of the steps of the fight against insidious ailment. The attractiveness of the lips will be able to give only complex care: cleansing + moisturizing. Normalize the condition of the lips will help healthy food with presence of vitamin C: greens, nuts, dairy products, etc.

Cleaning peeling

Remove flakes and dead cells on the lips when peeling can be independently or resorted to the help of a specialist. This stage is considered prepared before the main moisturizing procedure.

Such a procedure is contraindicated with rays and herpes.

The main thing in the preparation for independent peeling is to check the naturalness of the ingredients.

Exemplary compounds for cleaning lips, which are applied for 1-3 minutes and wash off with water:

  • Connect equal amounts of honey and sugar (1 tsp) and the sweet makeup gently massage lips.
  • Cooking salt with cream (1: 1) also cleans gentle skin well.
  • Ground Hercules / Rica (1 tsp) and cottage cheese (1 tbsp) circular motions rubbed into the lips.


The lip moisturizing procedure can be performed by oils, masks and balms. Funds work comprehensively and purposefully.
The masks are applied to the lips of about 10 minutes, and then wash off with water:

  • Sour cream and olive oil (1: 1) rubbed on the lips after peeling.
  • The flesh of avocado well moisturizes problem areas.
  • The wounds on the lips are cleaned with a composition of aloe and glycerin juice.

Apply oils on the skin must be systematically. Most of all, sea buckthorn and almond oil is suitable for the procedure.

Balms belong to ready-made universal means, because they are used, both for prevention and treatment. Their composition includes wax and vitamin supplements.

Medical drugs

In severe cases of dying without the help of a specialist, it is not necessary to do. To remove the peeling and discomfort, the doctor prescribes hormonal agents. The disadvantage of such treatment is the addiction of the body, and when canceling the drug, the trouble returns with a new force.

Folk remedies

Remove inflammation from lips by folk remedies.

  • Well in such cases helps a children's cream, which is applied to the skin surface at night.
  • A protein complex of cottage cheese and cream (1: 1) helps with highly weathered lips.
  • 2 tbsp. Salts are dissolved in 1 l warm water and, dipping a cotton roller to the composition, make salt compresses. His 40 minutes hold it, wipe the skin and lubricate lips with vaseline.

Help children

Cases of the dying of lips from kids are found quite often, because to ban the baby to lick the lips on the street not easy. In addition, therapeutic agents, as a rule, immediately lick.

The first thing that parents should learn are the systematic use of children's hygiene. They are applied at home and before entering the street.

For kids use masks from sour cream or cream, but from honey it is better to refuse. In severe cases, when the rings in the corners of the mouth interfere with the child to eat, resort to the help of a specialist.

The weathered lips, in addition to aesthetic defect, are also "gates" for malicious bacteria. That is why it is so important to solve the problem of dryness and cracking of the lips in a timely manner, as well as regularly apply a moisturizing balm.

Comments leave a comment
faith 01/10/2018 at 1:32

My child has a bad habit of licking her lips, so weathered lips for us are not uncommon. And since we have this is not a single case, then naturally I know how to bring the skin of the lips into a normal state. I constantly have a pharmacy ointment in the refrigerator. And when there is a need, it is always at hand. The ointment copes with dryness and peeling, heals quickly and leads the skin into normal condition.

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Lisa 27/04/2019 at 18:34

in winter, I often suffer such a problem, the lips are constantly weathered, I saves the hygienic lipstick Aevit, softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and with honey

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Anna 05/31/19 at 13:39

It saves me only lip oil. I buy oil Aevit Librider. It protects and nourishes sponges. And they always look beautiful and moisturized

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