For many sports is a way of life. But sometimes it happens that the training should be abandoned. Consider situations where sports loads are contraindicated and when you can play sports after ...
When can you play sports after a heart attack?
InfarTT, this is not a reason to write off "on the bench" and be content only by compets in checkers. Therapeutic physical education after rehabilitation will help return to normal full-fledged life.
When to start classes depends on the severity of the transferred stroke:
- if the ischemic attack was transferred - to start the first passive classes in 3-4 weeks;
- if there was a small stroke with a minimal lesion, then gymnastics begin after 1-3 months after the attack;
- if the stroke was extensive, but the consequences are not heavy, then it is possible to return to light physical exertion after complete rehabilitation.
The main condition for sports after a heart attack is a properly chosen exercise complex, moderate load and control of health indicators from the doctor.
When can you play sports after removing appendicitis?
Inflammation of appendicitis can manifest itself at any time and with his removal doctors usually do not delay. When can you return to physical exertion after such an operation? In the postoperative period it is better to refrain from sports loads.
It is not recommended to lift the weight of more than 3 kg, since there is a risk of discrepancies of the seams. On average, the doctors give a month. Starting classes should be with therapeutic gymnastics. Exercises on the press and muscles of the belly are transferred only after a three-month period.
When can I play sports after laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy - a way to surgery, which is performed through small incisions in the abdomen. Resort to such intervention in diseases of the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, as well as carried out in this manner gynecological surgery. The average period of rehabilitation after such an operation lasts 2-5 months. Return to sports after a laparoscopy can be after at least 4 months. You should begin with walking in the fresh air and medical physical culture.
When can I play sports after giving birth?
Gestation and birth of a child is a wonderful period in a woman's life. Many young mothers are interested in when you can play sports after childbirth. There are no rules there, as the recovery process after the birth of each woman is different. Determine when you can start classes every woman should itself be guided by the state of health and state of health.
The main condition - puerperal discharge must end. Also, choosing exercises to practice, keep in mind that after the birth of the child at the pregnant woman at first retained a slight deformation of the pelvis, lumbar, back muscles relaxed.
When can I play sports after cesarean?
In some women, the children are born by caesarean section. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and leaves a "gift" suture on the uterus and lower abdomen. When you can play sports for women who have had a caesarean? If the operation was planned and took place without complications, the first light of morning gymnastics classes can start after 2-3 weeks after surgery. For full gentler pursuits are allowed to come back in 2 months, and a resistive load after six months.
Sport is health. Moderate exercise strengthens the immune system, revitalizes the body as a whole. But it is worth remembering that in certain situations with active exercise should be postponed. Exercise and stay healthy!
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