Can I drink coffee during pregnancy

Can I drink coffee during pregnancy

A couple of cups of coffee throughout the day helps to concentrate, and cheating out, on this, this drink for many is the most beloved. However, with the advent of pregnancy, the question arises, is it not dangerous to use it during this period? In this article we will try to clarify how coffee affects the body of pregnant and the baby, responding to the most dissemination of questions on this topic.

What opinion doctors about the use of coffee during pregnancy?

Doctors do not prohibit drinking coffee during pregnancy, but advise you to remember several important rules:

  • Coffee should not be strong, that is, drink soluble, granulated or, where less caffeine;
  • Drinking his empty stomach is very dangerous;
  • During pregnancy, the woman's body loses calcium in large proportions, "giving" his baby to grow bones and the formation of a skeleton, so it is very important to add milk to coffee;
  • Refrain from coffee if you have toxicosis, hurts a head or notice for convulsions;
  • Coffee is contraindicated, if you suffer gastritis, as it increases the acidity of the gastric juice.

How many cups of coffee can drink a pregnant woman on a day?

It is desirable one, but if you are a coffeeman, then a maximum of three cups and do not drink it overnight, because, scientifically proven that caffeine affects the human biological clock and "freezes" them, so a pregnant woman does not rest, but becomes cheerful and not wants to sleep.

Is it true that coffee without caffeine is less dangerous and can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers?

The name "without caffeine" is just a marketing stroke. In fact, there are caffeine, only in small quantities and these drinks should not be carried away.

How can I replace coffee?

Instead of this drink, you can use cocoa or chicory. They are not only delicious, but also useful, as they contain calcium and many vegetable protein. But it is best, from drinks to give preference: rags of herbs, fruit teas, juice, compotes, fruits. But if life without coffee is a catastrophe, follow the rules that we mentioned above.

We hope our article was useful to you. We wish you health and light pregnancy.

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