About Alexandra Vasilyevich Kolchak not to write and speak, but this man left an indelible mark in our history. He knows how an outstanding scientist, the Hero of Port Arthur, a brilliant maritime commander and at the same time as a cruel dictator and the supreme ruler. In his life were victories and defeats, as well as one love - Anna Timireva.
Biographical facts
On November 4, 1874, in a small village Alexandrovskoye, near the San Petersburg, a boy was born in the family of military engineer V. I. Kolchak. The primary education, Alexander received at home, and then there was a study in a male gymnasium, where he did not achieve special success. From childhood, the boy dreamed of the sea, so I did without any problems in the maritime school (1888-1894) and here it was revealed by his sailor talent. Junior training graduated brilliantly with Admiral Prize P. Riikord.
Research marine activities
In 1896, Alexander Kolchak begins to seriously engage in science. At first he received the post of an assistant observer on the cruiser Rurik, deployed in the Far East, then spent several years on the clipper "Cruiser". In 1898, Alexander Kolchak became a lieutenant. The years spent in the sea, a young sailor used for self-education and scientific activity. Kolchak became interested in oceanography and hydrology, even published an article about his scientific observations during cruises.
In 1899, a new expedition around the Arctic Ocean. Together with Edward, the background, a geologist and the Arctic researcher, a young researcher spent some time on Lake Taimyr. Here he continued his scientific research. Thanks to the efforts of the young assistant, a map of the shores of Taimyr was compiled. In 1901, Tolls as a sign of respect for Kolchak, called one of the islands in the Kara Sea of \u200b\u200bhis name. The uninhabited island was renamed Bolsheviks in 1937, but in 2005 the name of Alexander Kolchak was returned.
In 1902, Eduard von Tall decides to continue the expedition to the north, and Kolchak sends back to St. Petersburg to deliver the scientific information already collected. Unfortunately, the band was lost in the ice. A year later, Kolchak organized a new expedition to find scientists. Seventeen people on twelve sleigh, harvested by 160 dogs, after three months of the trip reached the island of Bennet, where they found diaries and things of comrades. In 1903, Alexander Kolchak, exhausted by a long adventure, headed to St. Petersburg, where he hoped to marry Sofia Omver.
New challenges
However, the Russian-Japanese war violated his plans. The bride of Kolchak soon herself went to Siberia, and the wedding took place, but the young husband is forced to immediately go to Port Arthur. Sometimes, Kolchak served as the destroyer of the destroyer, and then he was appointed responsible for the littoral artillery battery. For his heroism, Admiral received the sword of St. George. After the humiliating defeat of the Russian fleet, Kolchak was hit by the Japanese captcha for four months.
Upon returning home, Alexander Kolchak became the captain of the second rank. He dedicated himself to the revival of the Russian Fleet and takes part in the work of the Naval Staff formed in 1906. Together with other officers, he actively promotes the shipbuilding program to the State Duma and receives some funding. Kolchak is involved in the construction of two Ladols "Taimyr" and "Vaigach", and then uses one of these ships for a cartographic expedition from Vladivostok in Bering Strait and Cape Dezhnev. In 1909, he publishes a new scientific study on glaciology (Ice study). A few years later, Kolchak becomes captain of the first rank.
Test of the First World War
With the beginning of the First World Quitch, it is offered to become the head of the Baltic Fleet Bureau of Operations. It demonstrates his tactical skills, builds an effective coastal defense system. Soon Kolchak receives a new title - counter-admiral and becomes the youngest Russian naval officer. In the summer of 1916, he is appointed commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet.
Digitated in politics
With the arrival of the February Revolution of 1917, Kolchak assured the temporary government in his loyalty to him and expressed his readiness to remain in the post. Admiral did everything possible to save the Black Sea Fleet from the chaotic decay and managed to keep it for a while. But disorganization that spreads through all services began to gradually undermine it. In June 1917, under the threat of rebellion, Kolchak resigned and left the post (voluntary or force, depending on which version of historical recordings is preferable). By that time, Kolchak was already considered a potential candidate for the post of a new leader of the country.
Life abroad
In the summer of 1917, Admiral Kolchak goes to America. There he is offered to stay forever and head the department of mining in one of the best military schools, but Admiral rejected such an opportunity. On the way home, Kolchak learned about the revolution, which overthrew the short temporary government of Russia and transferred power to the Council. Admiral asked the British government to allow him to serve in his army. In December 1917, he received approval and went to the Mesopotamian Front, where Russian and English troops fought with the Turks, but was redirected to Manchuria. He tried to collect troops to fight the Bolsheviks, but this idea was not crowned with success. In the autumn of 1918, Kolchak returns to Omsk.
In September 1918, a temporary government was formed and Kolchak was proposed to become the naval minister. As a result of the state coup, during which the Cossack detachments were arrested by the Commander-in-Chief of the Interim All-Russian Government, Kolchak elected the Supreme Ruler of the State. His appointment was recognized in several regions of the country. The new ruler was responsible for the golden stock of the former Russian Empire. He managed to collect large strength and deploy war against the Red Army Bolsheviks. After several successful battles, Kolchak's troops were supposed to leave the occupied territories and retreat. The fall in the regime of Alexander Kolchak is explained by various data, various factors: the lack of experience in the leadership of the land forces, misunderstanding the political situation and dependence on unreliable allies.
In January 1920, Kolchak reports to General Denikin. A few days later, Alexander Kolchak arrest Czechoslovak soldiers and transfer to the Bolsheviks. Admiral Kolchak sentenced to death penalty, and on February 7, 1920 he was executed without trial. According to the most common version, the body was thrown into the river into the river.
Personal life of the famous admiral
The personal life of Kolchak has always been actively discussed. With the wife of Sofia, Admiral had three children, but two girls died in infancy. Until 1919, Sofia was waiting for her husband in Sevastopol, and then moved to Paris along with the only son Rostislav. Died in 1956.
In 1915, 41-year-old Kolchak met with the young 22-year-old poetess Anna Timiroeva. They both had families, but long-term relationships still started. After a few years, Timirei was divorced and was considered the Civilian wife of Admiral. Hearing about the arrest of Kolchak, she voluntarily settled in prison to be closer to her beloved. In the period from 1920 to 1949, Timirev was arrested and exiled six times, until he was rehabilitated in 1960. Anna died in 1975.
Interesting facts about the admiral
- For scientific and military activities, Alexander Kolchak deserved 20 medals and orders.
- When removing from the command, the Black Sea Fleet Kolchak in the eyes of the sailors broke a premium saber and threw in the sea, saying: "The sea awarded me - the sea and return it!"
- The place of burial admiral is unknown, although the versions are many.
Agree, we have little known the identity of such a great person. Perhaps Kolchak was from another camp and adhered to other views, but he was devoted to Russia and the sea.