When is the holidays for schoolchildren in 2018-2019?

When is the holidays for schoolchildren in 2018-2019?

Vacation for schoolchildren beloved time, which cannot be said about their parents. When a child at school, he is always supervised, but during the holidays, if parents work, have to come up with a wide variety of ways that the child does not remain unattended. Parents want to know what awaits them in 2018-2019, when children will have a vacation, how much they will last to have an idea where they leave children and what to do with them during this period. Let's make this question in more detail and look today.

Vacation duration

Each year, the Ministry of Education is trying to make some adjustments in the period and time of vacation for schoolchildren. Sometimes it is not at all clear why this is done and develops such an impression that only to show that this ministry works (as an application in the phone that is constantly updated, although these updates do not have anything particularly new and good updates).

There were different suggestions - and cut the holidays and interrupt the scientist a year unplanned vacation, in general, in these all assumptions and guesses can be confused, and parents require specific information to plan their time the transformation with the child.

First, I would like to calm parents and say that summer holidays. At least, no one will touch. No cuts and other adjustments in this period will not be made (in the summer of 2019, certainly).

Previously, everything was much easier, all schools were on the quarter system, now the modern program requires a transition to new systems. The main minuses of this transition is the absence of a unified system to which all scholars of secondary education institutions should go. Now schools can be on the program of trimeters, quarters, modules and bimestrians, confusion, and only.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done with this, it remains only to adapt to such uncomfortable and not practical innovations. In principle, each of the approaches listed above have its own minuses and pros, so that in this and you need to understand.

Innovations in the education system

Some parents argue that trimesters, like modules, is very convenient systems, because the problem of the long third quarter immediately disappears. It is believed that during this period, children's immunity is particularly weakened, because the body does not have enough vitamins, therefore, the study becomes much worse, as evaluating, in principle.

Quarter, who today have already become a classic (not everywhere they are used) are convenient because all entertaining cultural organizations (museums, camp, cinemas, dramatic theaters, fairs, etc.) work on this schedule. Thanks to this schedule, parents will be able to organize a joint time of the Transportation with their child.

Regardless of which exactly the system is undergoing training, the number of days of rest is the same everywhere and today is 30 days, not counting the summer holidays. The exception is only children undergoing training in the first grade. The duration of their vacation, in addition to the summer period, is 35 days, instead of the usual 30.

The elementary school next year starts on vacation a little earlier than the eldest, it will happen on May 25th. For high school students, the start on vacation will be given on the first day of summer. Graduates in 2019 were less fortunate all, because learning them to last until July. Because the process of passing the exam and GIA is unchanged.

School Rules for Vacation Graphs

I would like to immediately note that each school can adjust the vacation schedule alone, and there is nothing surprising. In this case, the school administration has the full right to make adjustments, because it is the primary body in the educational organization under consideration. No one suggests that the parent committee, together with the Board, does not have votes in this case, so if necessary, they will also listen to their opinion.

It should be understood that the adjustments are needed anyway, because a variety of factors can affect the duration of the vacation, the main of which are:

  • duration of quarantines (it is worth noting that in one academic year there may be several)
  • the number of memorable and other important dates and events.

Most often, the Ministry of Education is trying to notify those interested in vacation schedules. It should be immediately noted that they are compiled separately for each of their systems. In this case, all holidays should be taken into account all holidays. Find the information under consideration can be on the official website.

Schools with different training schedules

So, for schools that are learning in quarters:

  • Vacation in the autumn period - from October 30 to November 5 (current year)
  • Vacation in winter - from December 27 of the current ODA on January 9 next year
  • Spring Holidays - from March 26 to March 31, 2019

It turns out that schoolchildren who learn from the quarter system are resting in spring and autumn, and in the winter resting 14 days.

School schools with a modular learning system:

  • Vacations in the autumn period will last from 9 to 15 October, and then again from November 20 to November 26 of this year
  • In winter, schoolchildren will go on vacation from December 29 of the current year to January 9 of next year
  • In the spring they will rest from 9 to 15 April 2019.

The timetable of trimesters will be identical above the above.

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