Weekend Calendar and Holidays 2019

Weekend Calendar and Holidays 2019

Each of us came across a situation when I want to have at least one another hour in the days. There are a large number of cases, important and very important, which must be immediately implemented. In most cases, a person is not enough enough, in addition it is important to leave the time to rest and entertainment.

One of their effective methods of self-organization is planning. It is possible that some plans will be transferred or changed. Every day is unpredictable, and it should be considered. Treat rational to setting goals for every day.

The tools for planning its activities is the calendar. Every year, the Commission on the Regulation of Socio-Labor Relations forms a certain amount of weekend and holidays. Consider a detailed chart in quarters for 2019, which in addition leads the number of working days for the five-day working week.

I quarter

For the first quarter, the number of working days is 57, and the number of festive and weekends - 33. In this period, a large number of weekend is associated with New Year's holidays, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and International Women's Day.

  • in January, citizens of the Russian Federation are resting from the 1st to the 8th;
  • in February, the feast of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is allocated 23 and 24 numbers. Abbreviated working day is considered to be February 22;
  • in March, they approved three holidays - from the 8th to the 10th. Abbreviated working day - March 7th.

II quarter

The number of working days in the second quarter is 59. Festive and weekends for three months - 32 days. May holidays are considered long input.

  • in May, Russians rest from the 1st to the 5th, as well as from the 9th to the 12th. Pre-holiday abbreviated business days are the 30th April and May 8;
  • in June, the festive day noted the 12th day - the day of Russia. Abbreviated day - June 11th.

III quarter

In the third quarter there are no festive days. Number of working days - 66. Weekends are 26 calendar days.

IV quarter

In the last quarter, Russians are resting on the Day of People's Unity, which is celebrated within three days - from the 2nd to 4th of November. The number of working days is 65, and the number of weekends is only 27 days.

Total  v  2019  year  highlight  118  days  recreation  and  247  day  workers  budoneySome  festive  days  hit  on  weekends  calendarThat's why  it was  accepted  Decision   No.  1163Document  considers  transfer:

  • with  5  january  on  2  may;
  • with  6  january  on  3  may;
  • with  23  february  on  10  may.

Weekend and holiday calendar in 2019 from January to December.

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