What book to read the novice reader

What book to read the novice reader

World literature is a bottomless ocean in which you can find answers to any questions. How to navigate in an infinite variety of artistic and documentaries, collections of poems? How to find "your" books? How to start the path of knowledge of the one who goes on him? About this in this material.

How to find the book?

Choose a book should be in accordance with your worldview, interests, views. Immersing the world of work, the reader begins to better understand himself, finds answers to his own questions. When searching for the desired book, you can ask the Council of the person, whose leaders are listening. It can your teacher, relative or friend.

Have you ever seen an interesting movie? If this is the screening of the novel, it is worth reading, compare the images of heroes, study the plot in more detail.

The journey to the world of literature is better to start with books, enough easy for perception, written in a living interesting language, without fail with humor, a dynamically developing plot, colorful heroes. Then, you can try to study more complex works, to understand which you need to have a certain "luggage" of knowledge in different areas.

Examples of books for beginner readers worthy of attention

In the literature there are books of different genres that have been checking time. These works truly capture the reader. They want to reread again and again. Here is some of them.

J. Verne "Robinson Crusoe" (1719)

The adventure novel of the English writer about the life of the sailor R. Cruzo, who fell on a deserted island due to shipwreck. Island off the coast of America near the river. Lonely became for Robinson home for many 28 years.
Roman has many shields.

DD Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" (1951)

In this book, there is no exciting plot, there is a large number of characters.
The narrative is conducted on behalf of Holden Colfield, a teenager who is not alien to the spirit of rebellion. It is frankly sharing with readers with his reflections about this world, people, inhabiting him, about their deceit, the impossibility or reluctance at least change something.
The book remains invariably relevant and popular thanks to the infinite honesty merciless of the main character.

D. London "Martin Eden" (1909)

A simple sailor named Martin Eden is fascinated by a girl from another social layer. He puts the goal to be close to her. He changes, strives for knowledge, reads a lot, becomes a talented writer. But, gradually, he overtook him and the hero makes an irreversible act.
In the book, many psychological reflections that everyone overtook everyone.

GD Toro "Walden, or Life in the Forest" (1854)

The philosophical novel of the American thinker. The author is close to the ideas of R.U. Emerson that a person is part of nature, he is alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bmaterial enrichment. The writer decides to leave society with his false values, thirst for consumption and settles in the forest in the suburbs of Concord, with his own hands build a hut, lives and worries on the shores of Waldensky pond. Toro enjoys real life away from unnecessary benefits of civilization.

Simple and easy to perceive the tongue, the author comes to the reader important fundamental truths.

BEFORE. Kerwood "Valley of silent giants" (1920)

Exciting adventure novel with detective elements. The book is impregnated by the author's love for the nature of Canada. The main character of the work of D.G. Bent. Its determining human qualities (as well as the heroes of other writer novels) honor, courage, courage, passion for adventure, love for the native land.
The name of the beloved D. Kent Mariette. She is strong, brave, faithful, ready to adequately experience any failures on the way in his dream.

Despite the emergence of all new technologies, the real live book will always be relevant.
With the help of the book you can travel through the century and overcome incredible distances. Develop a love of reading since childhood, enrich intellectually, find out about new authors and their works in all possible ways.

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