What fruits can nursing mom

What fruits can nursing mom

All parents want their child to grow healthy. For this, nursing mothers need to eat correctly. During the first weeks, maternal milk is considered the most valuable. But the feeding process involves a lot of prohibitions and restrictions in the diet of mom, because food products affect milk in different ways. It follows from this that nursing moms must follow their nutrition and choose useful products, including fruits.

Fruit benefit for nursing mom

Mommies who are on breastfeeding must eat fruit. After all, they are a storehouse of useful substances. The only thing you need to know which species are considered useful, and which can cause allergies and bloating.

Basically, you can eat all the fruits, but dosed. Remember that citrus fruits are very often an allergic reaction, so the first time is better to abandon them.

Plum and apricot can lead to coliks not only at mom, and a child. Their use must be limited to a minimum.

Due to the large number of vitamins in the above fruits, they are not needed to be excluded from the diet.

Choosing fruits on signs for nursing mom

While the child was not marked for a month, you need to choose the following methods:

  • We exclude in color. Red and orange fruits contain a pigment for a color that can lead to rashes and spots. If you remove the peel from a red apple, you can eat it.
  • Type of fruit. It is recommended to choose local fruits. Citrus contain vitamin C, which is a strong allergen.
  • By influence on the intestinal microflora. Pear, grapes lead to meteorism, and plum has a relaxing effect. If a child has constipation, then this fruit can help.

What fruits can be nursing mom - apples

For nursing mothers, green and yellow apples are perfect. There are many iron, calcium, iodine, and they also cause appetite. It is better to start with baked apples, and fresh need to be administered by small portions. In the absence of rash and discomfort in the intestine, you can increase the dose.

What fruits can nursing mom - pears

They are rich in folic acid, pectin, fiber, potassium and various vitamins. If you eat too big doses, it can cause colic. In their composition, there are practically no allergens harmful to crumbs. Due to the large amount of fiber, it is better not to use their first 3 months.

What fruits can be nursing mom - peaches

This fruit is allowed when feeding, because as part of a lot of magnesium. Fruit is able to improve the mood, strengthen the stress resistance and the psyche, and also favorably affect the development of a small brain.

What fruits can be nursing mom - watermelon

Wattime allows to increase lactation, but as they are now grown with the addition of chemical additives, then it is better to refuse them.

What fruits can be nursing mom - persimmon

You can use this fruit if the child feels fine. When problems with the intestines or diathesis, it is recommended to abandon this fruit. The persimmon supplies the Iodine body, and also helps with such a problem as anemia. Moms who eat this fruit are perfectly coping with fatigue or weakness. Also, ripe persimmon normalizes the intestinal activity. A large amount of fiber is favorable on the digestion system of a nursing mother, so it is considered a dietary product. The child absorbs useful components with milk.

What fruits can be nursing mom - plum

This fruit has a laxative action, for this reason it can be added to the baby, who has constipation. But in this case it is very important not to overdo it, because you can harm the intestinal mucosa. In the composition of baby food, this component is very often present.

What fruits can be nursing mom - banana

Fruit is rich in potassium, which produces serotonin. Therefore, moms get a large amount of energy from eating bananas. This is a calorie fruit that has minimal fat. Banana is an excellent option for snack, as it fills the energy.

After eating the lonely, the fruit slices need to listen to their body and look at the reaction of the crumbs. Despite the usefulness of fruits, you need to know the measure.

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Luda 14/07/2020 at 23:24

Since my Chad had a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, I felt only apples and pears in the GW of fruit. And so that the child does not suffer with colic and meteorism, Evalir Bio Lactoma tea drank. Who has a similar situation with GW or simply milk produced badly, I highly recommend trying to try this drink.

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