Despite the existence of a large number of diverse social networks, the social network "Classmates" does not lose popularity. Many people are registered in it, and many are only going. This article will be devoted to the last and will consider the registration methods in Odnoklassniki.
How to register in Odnoklassniki - Standard registration
To register in this social network, you must make the following actions:
- We drive into the search string in the browser address of the site "" or "". Both addresses lead on the same page.
- Before you will be released page of the site. In the upper right part you will see the window that offers to enter your profile or create a new one (register).
- Since you do not have an account, you need to click on the "Registration" tab. In the next window, you must specify your country of accommodation and a valid mobile number. Do not specify someone else's number, as SMS to confirm the registration will have to come to this number. Accordingly, if you specify the number of another person, you will not be able to register. Of course, if you do not have a mobile phone, you can specify the phone relative and ask him to tell you SMS to confirm. After you specified the phone number, click on the "Next" button.
- The next window will ask you to enter the code from the SMS, which will come to the number you specified. Specify this number in the free field and click on "Next". If the code has not come to your mobile, you need to request code again. The button for re-sending a re-send code will be highlighted before you start entering numbers.
- The next window will ask you to come up with a password to enter the account. Come up with any password or enter the password from other accounts so as not to get confused. The minimum number of characters in the password is 6. Click on "Next".
- Now you are registered. The last step remains - enter the name, surname, the floor and date of birth. The window for entering this information will pop up immediately after you click on "Next" in the previous paragraph. Enter the contact details and click on "Save".
How to register in classmates via gmail
To register on the social network "Odnoklassniki" through Google Mail, you must make the following actions:
- The first three points of the previous version of the registration coincide with this method.
- After you have pressed the Registration tab, at the bottom of the window you will see a small Google icon. Click on it.
- After clicking in front of you, the window will pop up, which will ask you to choose that Google account, through which you want to register in Odnoklassniki. If you have not yet entered any google account through your browser, then this window will ask to go into it. We choose / go to our google mail. After selecting the registration will be completed.
As you could have noticed, registration in classmates is satisfied simple. Do not miss the chance to talk with your friends, relatives and classmates.