How to record a game on the disk for xbox 360

How to record a game on the disk for xbox 360

To play in the Xbox 360, you will need a disk with the game anyway, but it is not necessary to buy it, because you can write it right on your computer. The process is long enough, but thanks to this instruction will not cause problems. You will need a DVD-R DL disk, the image of the game that you previously downloaded on the Internet, the ABGX360 utility, the Burnermax Payload Tool program, as well as imgburn. All software is distributed free of charge, it can be downloaded on the website of the official developer. Check your disk on scratches and dust, make sure that it is integer. The image of the game should be downloaded in advance from your own source. Now you can start recording.

How to record a game on the disk for xbox 360: Installing and configuring ABGX360

This utility is needed to correct the image of the game. Often, various errors are allowed in them, and without this program it is impossible to do. At this stage you will need:

  • Downloaded by the image of the game.
  • ABGX360 program.

Go to the official website of the utility and select your operating system. You just need to download the installer, that is, the file with the word "Installer".

  • Click twice through the downloaded file and check the ticks near all items.

  • The installation directory must be on the local disk of your computer.

  • As soon as the installation is over, you will see the word "Close" in the lower right corner.

  • This program is quite primitive and simple, so it does not create its label on the desktop. You need to find it on your own when using the search string.

  • As soon as the utility opens, go to the "Options" section.

  • Here you need to exactly repeat the checkboxes from the screenshot below. Arrange them and check out correctness.

  • Now repeat the procedure in the "AutoFix" tab.

  • That's all. You left to choose the image image file by clicking on the button with the folder icon.

  • Then by clicking on the big figure "Launch", your image will instantly walked and will be ready for further work.

  • If you have seen such a window, then everything worked correctly.

How to record a game on the disk for Xbox 360: Setting up Burner Max Payload Tool

This program you will need to just run and select your DVD drive in it. It will be enabled during the entire recording period.

  • During installation, you should be particularly attentive, since this utility first downloads the official download manager, and only then the program itself. Seeing such a window, click "Next".

  • Seeing special offers, you need to click "reject".

  • After downloading, you will see a file with the extension .exe in your archive.

  • Opening it, Burner Max Payload Tool will start. In the line from above, select your DVD drive and click on the "Burner Max" button. Leave the program enabled.

How to record a game on the disk for Xbox 360: Installing Imgburn and recording

  • You have left to install and set up the last utility. Download it from the site
  • You can choose any mirror for download.

  • If you need a crack, then download it by reference below by selecting the RUSSIAN string.

  • Installation is quite simple and run quickly. As soon as the program window opens, select "Write Files to Disk".

  • Select the drive, and then the disk image file itself. You can have two images: with the extension .iso and .dvd. It is better to choose the second.
  • After that click on the record. The process is launched and lasts a few minutes. Refrain from any work at the computer at this moment, it is better not to touch it. As soon as the record is over, remove the disk and check in Xbox 360.

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