How to bake onions in the oven

How to bake onions in the oven

Onions are always associated with a characteristic aroma and mustard. Nevertheless, there is a rare dishes of national cuisine. Want to know a bow in a completely new role? We offer you an aromatic, incredibly tasty and very useful recipe of baked onion in the oven.

What is the baked onions?

Undoubtedly, baked onions will become an excellent side dish or an unusual independent dish on your desk. But this simple product is also an unconventional therapeutic agent.

What is the baked bow?! It turns out that this dish has been used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, skinille. Due to the unique composition, the baked onion restarts the work of all internal organs and contributes to the healing of the body.

The use of baked onions provokes the establishment of insulin synthesis, which is very useful in diabetes mellitus. In addition, this dish is able to thoroughly strengthen the immune system, which will serve as the prevention of colds, oncology, autoimmune pathologies.

Important! The only contraindication to the use of baked onions is gross liver function.

How to bake onions in the oven - instruction

The exquisite taste and benefits of baked onions are the correctness of its preparation.

To begin with, we will prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • 7 bulbs;
  • 50-75 ml of olive oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. The bulbs can be cleaned from husks, apply large slices.
  2. Let's lay onions into the form for baking, with oil oil and putting. Optionally, you can add pepper or other spices.
  3. We will send onions in the oven for 40 minutes. The optimal cooking temperature is 200 degrees.
  4. Let's give a dish hot to the table. Bon Appetit!


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