How to scroll broom for a bath

How to scroll broom for a bath

Brooms from branches are an integral part of the Russian bath. This little bundle creates in wonders steam: make a relaxing massage or, on the contrary, invigorating. Depending on the type of plant, they have a different wellness effect. But to keep all the nutrient oils and components in the leaves, it is necessary to break the brooms to visit the bath.

For a bath, it is categorically impossible to use dry brooms. So they will not have a useful effect on the body. During the massage, there may be damaged on the skin with such a broom, since the twigs did not become flexible.

How to fervent birch broom for a bath

Most often for massage in the bath used birch brooms. His twigs are very flexible, and the leaves have adhesiveness and adhere to the body, with toxins and slags from the body.

  • A broom for massage in the bath first should be necessarily dry, without visible damage and with smooth leaves. Sighten it with warm water, but not boiling!
  • To blast the birch broom, you will need 2 wooden buckets or any other bath attribute.
  • Fill a container with cold water, fully submerge all the branches in the liquid. Leave for a few minutes.
  • In the other bucket, pour the warm liquid. Its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Remove the broom from the cold water and transfer to a warm one. After 10 minutes, add the boiling water, cover the bucket and let worn out broom no more than 15 minutes.

Important! Do not use boiling water to brew broom. It will damage the leaves, especially if the broom is made from fresh twigs.

  • Then follows fill aroma birch bath. To do this after steaming bring your broom to the red-hot stones, turning around an axis. But watch out for, so that branches do not touch them. Otherwise leaves Twist, ogrubeyut and can give pain during the massage. And also on the rocks leaves will burn and fill the bath unpleasant odor.

As steamed oak broom for bath

Oak branches are stronger than birch. Leaves are dense and wide. They are designed not only for massage, but also the discharge of steam in the bath. Since the leaf surface will collect more moisture, which then falls on the stones.

  • Oak broom is better than wing in advance, so it will reveal more of his useful properties. First you need to drink it moisture. To do this, fill with cold water capacitance. Put in her broom, tail up. In this case, all leaflets must be immersed in water.
  • After 30 minutes, turn the broom so that the cut parts of the branches are completely in water. Leave a broom in this position for the night. So the rods will become more flexible.
  • Before you use a broom in the bath, get it out of the water, wrap in a clean and wet fabric. Then bring to the steam room and leave on the bottom shop for 10-15 minutes.
  • When breeding a broom of oak branches in this way, the maximum amount of beneficial components of the plant is preserved.

How to fervent conifer broom for bath

Twigs of the helms will help not only get rid of pain in the back and viral diseases, but also additionally disinfected the air in the steam room. They are very tough, so the coniferous broom must be poured in a different way.

Important! Brooms from coniferous trees should only be used in fresh form. The twigs are collected in a bundle right before use in the steam room.

  • Unlike other brooms, you wave immediately in boiling water. This will help soften the needles and reveal the flavor.
  • After you immerse a broom in hot water, immediately cover the capacitance with a lid. This will warn the evaporation of essential oils. Leave a broom in the water before half an hour, then immediately use for massage.

How to scroll broom from nettle for a bath

Stalks of nettle are known for their healing properties that will help relieve pain in the joints and back. If it is incorrectly soaring such a broom, then you will get a burning effect, instead of the healing.

  • Prepare two buckets. In one pour cold water, others fill warm. Alternately, lower the broom in the cold, then in warm water. At the same time, do not overeat the plant in the bucket, it will be enough 2 minutes for each groove.
  • If you love the thrill during the massage of the speckled brooms and want to feel the burning of the plants, then there will be enough broom once with boiling water.

How to scroll broom for baths - tips and recommendations

Blaming broom depends not only on the correct choice of its method, depending on the plant. There are general rules that need to be taken into account before visiting the bath.

  • Any broom, both dry and fresh branches, must first slip away from dust. Do it only in cold water.
  • For steaming, use a special shredder from the tree. Prefer the closer capacity, so the broom will warm evenly.
  • The brooms that you are collected directly before use should not be wired (except for coniferous). Otherwise, the leaves will lose their elasticity and will adhere to the body.
  • Herbal brooms are simply rinsed with boiling water.

In order to maximize the beneficial properties of brooms for the bath and get the maximum benefit from massage, you need to run them correctly.

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