How to call an ambulance from megaphone

How to call an ambulance from megaphone

You cannot dial from the mobile two-digit number of quick response services, since the GSM standard cannot support such numbers. What to do in situations when you need medical care to you or a nearby person? Consider how you can call an ambulance from the phone provider, which is a megaphone.

Why on "03" can not get through from the megaphone?

Regardless of which mobile operator serves your number on "03" will not be able to turn out. Hub in the GSM network, which simply does not support telephone numbers consisting of only two characters. Therefore, it will call in an ambulance, in any other quick response service to "01", "02", "03", "04" from mobile, unrealistic.

How to call an ambulance from megaphone?

Understanding the need to call emergency response services by mobile phone. MegaFon made a decision, and taking a two-digit number "03", which is known from the school bench, attached 0 to it. By placing it in front. The GSM standard "stopped swear" and MegaFon subscribers now without hassle can reach ambulance by number:

  • 030

It should be said that megaphone for such a principle adapted all the two-digit response numbers for GSM standards.

What is a single number for all operators?

In Russia, recently a new universal service has appeared - Emergency. Our compatriots, laughing, have already dubbed her 911 "as in American films." But the benefits of such innovation are already felt. Now there is no need to keep the number of numbers in my head, while remembering what operator and where an additional figure is located. A person is enough to type 112 and executing the instructions of the auto operator to call the emergency response service. So, for ambulance after 112 and a call, it is enough to press 3 and the system will automatically redirect the call to the nearest point of ambulance.

Summing up, we formulate a clear answer to the question: how can you call an ambulance from megaphone? The subscriber needs to call from its device:

  • 030;
  • or 112.

Capture these numbers in memory, but let life goes away from their set.

Call an ambulance from megaphone you can already. But for unforeseen cases, use the function that is in all mobile phones is a "fast dialing". Enter the number to call the ambulance to press a certain number. So, you can quickly react in an emergency and avoid chaotic set of all numbers in a short condition in a row.

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