How to learn wrong verbs fast

How to learn wrong verbs fast

Wrong verbs are real torment for anyone who studies English at school or institute. Remember them are extremely difficult, and the number of words translates over a dozen. How to learn wrong verbs quickly and without torment?

Poem. The method will suit those who easily manage to remember the rhymed lines. Special poems can be invent independently by writing a quatrain with verbs or finding examples on the Internet. The benefit of various poems with the wrong verbs in the World Wide Web.

Here are some of them:

Fly-Flew-Flown aircraft (fly).

Our Grow-Grew-Grown children (grow).

Well, and the wind is Blow-Blew-blown (blow),

About everything he is Know-KNEW-KNOWN (know).

We are the enemies of the Fight-Fought-Fought (fight, fight),

They are trapped catch-caught-caught (catch, catch).

Day luck bring-brought-brought (front)

We are the GET-Got-Got reward (receive).

Sound grouping. Improper verbs are formed without the use of logical thinking, but they still have some similarity in the sounds. It can be played on this by forming a group of sound from words.

For example:

catch [Kætʃ] - Caught [Kɔ: T] -caught [Kɔ: T] (catch)

feel [FILT] - Felt [Felt] - Felt [Felt

You can also group words by writing. For example, to distribute all verbs in one group with alternating vowels, and in another those that have an unusual second and third form.

Memorization by constant repeat. The most banal, but effective way to memorize information. Frequent repetition will help remember even complex incorrect verbs.

Each person remembers the information individually: someone perceives only visually, others for hearing, the third needed and read, and listen.

If you are better perceiving the information visually, the method is suitable with stickers. On each piece of paper it is necessary to write verbs, which are difficult to remember, and put it all over the apartment. It is best to choose places where you are more likely to have a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. So the information will come across the eyes, and the brain will remember the words faster.

If the information on rumor is better absorbed, the voice recorder will come to the rescue. It is necessary to write down all the verbs, pronouncing them clearly and picking up. The created audio recording will have to listen to no one, but this will help combine several lessons at once. For example, to clean around the house and listen to the record.

Rewriting. The method will require a lot of time and patience, but will bring its results. To consolidate information, you need to rewrite verbs from one notebook to another. That's right and carefully, not forgetting about one word. Permanent repetitions will allow mechanical memory to fix the information in the subconscious.

Songs. Unlike poems, this method is suitable for absolutely everyone. After all, many remember the useless words of songs, and sometimes even whole albums of favorite groups. Here you only need to choose a pleasant motive and arrange the verbs in the order in which it will be easier to hum. And if you are able to impose stamped verbs on your favorite motive, the song is tightly covered in my head.

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